It seems extremely unsafe to use one with an insecure grip

  • Curious Canid
    61 year ago

    I had never thought about this. (Of course, I’m a rightie.) It’s fascinating how many things like this we take for granted.

    • @ReaderTunesOctopusOP
      51 year ago

      The worst things are fountain pens. My parents told me I can’t write with them properly because I’m lame. It turned out 30 years later that those are for right hand only by design, and only top quality ones write properly if you push it on the paper. Of course we didn’t have one of those.

      • @slock
        21 year ago

        I’m a lefty too, I recently found the Lamy safary has a left handed version that I can actually use ! Their ink also dries rather quickly, so if you whish to give it a shot again, it’s been night and day for me. Much better than the overpriced crap they sell in general stores that I could never use, or that would simply go through the paper thanks to highly diluted ink…

      • Curious Canid
        11 year ago


        My father is left-handed and has a lot of similar stories. Things are slightly better these days than they were in his time, but the world is still designed for the right-handed.

        • @ReaderTunesOctopusOP
          21 year ago

          I used to have an evil plan to marry another leftie, set up the household with left handed stuff and mess with every visitor. Although at this point I probably couldn’t use a left handed can opener any more

          • Curious Canid
            11 year ago

            I love it! Cognitive dissonance is always fun to watch.

  • @HeckGazer
    31 year ago

    The training I did only taught “the right handed way” despite me being a lefty since that’s the only “correct” way of using a chainsaw. If you learn that way it becomes natural, like using a mouse right handed. If i pick up a chainsaw without thinking about it it immediately feels wrong and a switch to right hand grip.

  • @pufferfisherpowder
    11 year ago

    What? I’m left handed and handled many a Charles, I never thought about that?

  • @itadakimasu
    01 year ago

    Wtf they are symmetrical where you hold them lol