• anon6789
      10 months ago

      Many birds will team up to fight raptors. Usually the idea is to disturb them enough to leave the area, but birds aren’t built very tough so they stay light enough to fly so serious injury can occur.

      People studying raptors will listen for groups of birds trying to chase off the predators to locate them.

      While the Ural Owl in this post usually doesn’t eat birds, crows still know it’s a predator.

    • anon6789
      810 months ago

      They’re just looking out for their own. The intent usually is just to drive the predator away from their nests.

  • anon6789
    310 months ago

    I found a write up of the “ancient owl vs crow feud” that I’ll post this afternoon. I skimmed through it this morning and it seems to explain this interesting relationship between a daytime bird and a nighttime bird and why 2 creatures that should never interact dislike each other at an almost genetic level.

    • OtterOP
      210 months ago

      Interesting, I’d love to skim through too, if you come across it again :)

      • anon6789
        210 months ago

        Posted the articles for you!

        • OtterOP
          210 months ago

          Thank you! Saving them to read :)

          • anon6789
            110 months ago

            You’re very welcome. I’d recommend starting with the one with the video. The others are ok, but the one I commented on is the best, I felt.

      • anon6789
        110 months ago

        Of course!

        The first one I had set aside and I read it and it was ok, but had a lot of generalizations I wasn’t keen on. I read a few more posts I found in the subject, and I’ve set aside 3 or 4 ok articles I’ll link and posts snippets of this afternoon.

        It works out well. I try to bump the tourney posts, but that’d just be obnoxious by itself, so I’ve been posting an article with a subtle reminder to vote for both rounds to give you something of value.

        I know I sort by Top 6 Hours, so I don’t want others to miss out on anything, but I don’t wanna spam thebsubs about my own stuff.

        If any of you guys post stuff and I don’t see it, fear not. I love when you guys contribute, but since it’s usually just me I typically don’t go into the community page itself and just my post history to follow up on things, but I do sort by New now and then too make sure I haven’t totally missed anything you guys do.

  • anon6789
    310 months ago

    Beautiful Ural Owl! I hope it has a good recovery!

    Thank you for posting! I always appreciate it.