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Could he really have made more money off of the video than what the plane cost? Or was he committing insurance fraud too?
6 months is all he got. He should have been hit with more. I get the whole “plea deal” but this guy isn’t just an idiot. He actively went and found the craft after the crash and tried to destroy the evidence. He should have been given 10 years to set an example. Not the maximum, but also a realistic number to make others think before trying this stunt. This is just the cost of business now.
Plea deals fucking suck. You’re either not guilty and you get punished anyways, or you’re guilty, and you get less punished. All around, it just sucks.
I once had anti Marijuana prosecutor in CALIFORNIA, and they tried to force me into plea deal, for SMOKING AT MY HOUSE.
Heck of a lot easier for them than going to trial.
You still have a bunch of preliminary trials that can take 2 years+. They also MAKE you waive your right to a speedy trial.
But the outcome is assured for them and they don’t have to do any real work since you’re pleading guilty. The actual trial is quicker, cheaper, witnesses don’t have to show up, etc
Then you end up in jail or on probation.
Sure, I’m not advocating taking a plea deal if you can get a good lawyer instead. Just saying that’s why prosecutors and DAs love them.
With a good lawyer, you get a “good” plea deal. With a public defender, you go to jail/ get a horrible pleasure deal.
Law isn’t written for the people. It’s written for capital.
He could have started a horrific fire, too.
“Jacob committed this offence to generate social media and news coverage for himself and to obtain financial gain”, federal prosecutors in California said on Monday.
I wonder the amount of YouTube views & sponsorship revenue it would take to compensate for the price of an entire airplane and the cost to recover it and destroy it?
Maybe a little Insurance fraud to boot?
I wonder if that was part of his original plan. No way he’d get away with that after how publicized the incident became.
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Then hide the evidence? And only report it a few days later?
Then get sued and got to jail
I’ll say it again: we’ve devolved to living for money and appearance.
Why they gotta be killin the vibe, it’s just a prank bro