• @[email protected]
    5810 months ago

    26 year old woman … I totally didn’t see that. I don’t think the article mentioned her party affiliation but I think we can all guess.

    • @DanglingFury
      4210 months ago

      A 26 year old black female, the exact opposite of who i had figured.

    • @MamLaLiq
      10 months ago

      “The name of the woman was released early Friday morning. Atlanta Police identified her as 26-year-old Laneisha Shantrice Henderson.” (From the article)

      I don’t know her party affiliation. Sometimes people have reasons the rest of us cannot understand, it’s not always political.

      I use Boost for Lemmy in Swipe-mode (android). Linked articles are embedded so you don’t have to open and accept cookies and whatnot to read what the post is about.

      • @SCB
        510 months ago

        Dude I didn’t know Boost existed for lemmy! Boost getting canned is the reason I quit reddit. Thanks for the plug!

      • @FrostKing
        410 months ago

        That’s very cool! Do you (or anyone else that wants to answer) know if Sync has a similar feature?

    • @SCB
      1810 months ago

      “Democrats are the party of slavery and Jim Crow! Anyway I’m gonna go burn down MLKs childhood home.”

    • @Cosmonauticus
      810 months ago

      Why? Just because they’re young and have a vagina doesn’t mean they’re immune from bigotry

  • @[email protected]
    3810 months ago

    It’s a woman, guys. Jesus. I see the reddit transplants still won’t read or watch a 30 sec news clip.

    • ZeroCoolOP
      10 months ago

      Oh yeah, tell me about it. I post a lot of articles in various communities, so I probably see more comments that the average user. I cannot overstate how annoying it is to open my inbox to find a deluge of comments from people asking things that are explained within the first sentence or two of an article. Or as in this case, getting the basic facts incorrect because they only read the headline. Lemmy isn’t any different than reddit in that regard.

      • @chitak166
        -2510 months ago

        Lol. Maybe you should calm down and go outside if that’s so annoying to you.

    • @FabledAepitaph
      1010 months ago

      Being a “reddit transplant” who took the time to understand what was going on, I think your joke is overplayed and weirdly elitist. Imagine being prideful of not having found Lemmy through Reddit, or whatever it is you’re trying to imply?? lol

    • @EnderMB
      610 months ago

      Let’s not pretend that Lemmy is a bastion of intellectuals, and that it’s just former Redditors that are the problem…

      • @[email protected]
        310 months ago

        Imagine being on a Reddit clone and shit talking former Redditors at all lol

        Talk about self owns

    • @yesman
      110 months ago

      The place where people read the headline and make a bunch of assumptions is called “the whole ass universe”, not reddit. Besides, people who clicked on the article before posting only wanted to fact-check their suspicions because they’re insecure about looking stupid.

    • @DanglingFury
      10 months ago

      Speaking from first hand experience, I want to point this out so people understand the danger involved. Gasoline is very easy to ignite with an open flame (lighter or match) but hard to light with a smoldering ember (like a lit cigarette). if you pour it on something porous like a pile of brush or gravel, then the vapors that get retained in the pile add an explosive element. But even a puddle of gasoline in a metal can outside on a windy day is extremely easy to ignite. You can pour it over wet soil and it will ignite immediately if you throw a match at it. If its wet with straight gas, it will light, and possibly explode with a big whoomph if vapors are retained. Take it seriously and respect it.

      Kerosene, diesel fuel, and oil mixed gasoline are surprisingly hard to ignite unless they are poured over a wicking element like cardboard, fabric, or a fiberglass wick. Lighting a puddle of it requires a blow torch for a period of time to get the fluid up to the flash point.

      If you are trying to start a bonfire with boyscout juice, never use straight gasoline. Mix it atleast 10:1 with oil or 5:1 with diesel to take the bite out of it, then it will light much more safely.

    • @Illuminostro
      510 months ago

      The fluid itself doesn’t ignite, the vapors ignite.

        • @[email protected]
          410 months ago

          With gasoline it would definitely work, as long as the flame on the zippo didn’t get blown out by throwing it. Gasoline is very volatile and it doesn’t take much time for the vapors to exist.

          With the other fuels and mixtures like in that previous reply, yeah results will vary.

          • @Illuminostro
            10 months ago

            True, an open flame or an electrical spark will ignite the vapors.

    • @DanglingFury
      10 months ago

      Maybe she doesnt smoke. Chicks who never smoked seen to struggle with lighters a lot.

  • @xc2215x
    510 months ago

    Glad the burning stopped.

  • @x4740N
    010 months ago

    Doesn’t fox news support racists and promote racism

    • ZeroCoolOP
      10 months ago

      Fox News Channel ≠ local Fox affiliates.

      • @ABCDE
        710 months ago

        What’s the difference? Brit here so no idea.

        • @wwaxen
          710 months ago

          They’re local news stations that carry the Fox brand and play Fox TV (Sitcoms, dramas, etc) the rest of the time on the channel. They don’t have to show outwardly reactionary opinions of Fox news or show Tucker Carlson, for example.

          • Unaware7013
            710 months ago

            Unfortunately a lot of them are owned by Sinclair, so you still get the reactionary opinions, just in smaller doses from a different company.

          • Flying Squid
            510 months ago

            Tucker Carlson isn’t on Fox News anymore. But yes, local Fox stations do not have to show Fox News programming, but Fox News does offer local stations news packages that are generally opinion-free to use in their programming (I used to shoot and edit news for a local Fox station). They’re also not owned by Fox. The one I worked for was owned by NexStar and the same company also owned the local ABC station. They had the same newscasters and shared the same building, but the ABC station used ABC News packages instead.

    • @Jelly_mcPB
      210 months ago

      It was a black woman so… maybe?

  • @[email protected]
    -410 months ago

    This man has an incurable case of malignant stupidity. The dealership where Malcolm X bought his first car was next on his arson targets list.

      • @[email protected]
        710 months ago

        You know, I almost looked first before making my throwaway comment. I thought to myself no way this isn’t a fool of a white boy. It’s not only a woman, it’s a black woman. I did not see that coming. I solemnly swear to be better in the future, because the world is unpredictable.