• @[email protected]
    10410 months ago

    So they say they don’t perform autopsies, and the warden was surprised they wanted the body. Either they’re lying about the autopsy or there’s some sick fuck just cutting up bodies and taking parts as souvenirs.

    • Bizarroland
      8910 months ago

      Or the warden got a nice chunk of change for that man’s heart.

    • Drusas
      3710 months ago

      I’d wager that they’re selling organs to medical schools and expecting zero repercussions.

    • @grue
      3110 months ago

      Or the cause of death was somehow incriminating and involved the heart, so they got rid of it to destroy evidence.

    • SnausagesinaBlanket
      1210 months ago

      some sick fuck just cutting up bodies and taking parts as souvenirs selling them for big money.

  • Alien Nathan Edward
    10410 months ago

    Brandon Clay Dotson was found dead at Ventress Correctional Facility on November 16. It wasn’t immediately clear what charge Dotson was serving time for.

    It wasn’t immediately clear what charge Dotson was serving time for.

    We don’t know what he did, but he died in prison over it.

    This is fucking terrifying.

  • @[email protected]
    6610 months ago

    What the fuck? The headline sounds strange, but the article is so absurd I would find it a bit over the top if it was a movie.

    WTF is going on in those prisons?

      4210 months ago

      The Chinese prisons get away with it so now ours are trying a bit of organ harvesting. Not like they need them anymore anyway right?

      • themeatbridge
        10 months ago

        There’s zero chance this guy’s heart was transplanted. Heart donations require minimal warm ischemic time. No way they found him dead and decided to steal his heart, and if they forcibly removed his heart for transplant, the surgical signs would make that obvious.

        China gets away with it because it’s a state sanctioned program. The evidence is destroyed and families get back ashes.

        It’s far more likely they did an autopsy and then lost or kept the heart for some other reason. Maybe he was stabbed in the heart and they want to cover it up. If I had to guess, I’d say they were just grossly negligent and lost it. They returned the body in a state of decomposition. That’s egregious enough without imagining a shady cabal of prison heart transplant doctors.

        • @[email protected]
          4010 months ago

          Maybe if you would actually read the article

           In addition to prison officials, the lawsuit names the UAB Health System as defendants. The suit claims UAB’s School of Medicine obtained Dotson’s heart, and details a 2018 incident where medical students “noticed that a disproportionate number of the specimens they encountered during their medical training originated from individuals who had died in prison custody within the Alabama Department of Corrections.”

          • @[email protected]
            510 months ago

            Does that mean that’s what actually happened or is that just what the family is accusing them of in the suit

          • themeatbridge
            10 months ago

            Still not a transplanted organ. That would fall under the “kept it for someother reason” category I mentioned.

            • @koraro
              1110 months ago

              No but the market for body parts to be used for research or education is bery underregulated in the US. They could be selling organs just not for transplants. John Oliver just did an episode on it actually.

      • GONADS125
        710 months ago

        Not condoning this by any means, but everyone ought to be an organ donor. I find the people who refuse on the grounds of “I don’t like the idea of my organs being harvested…” are demonstrating insufferable selfishness. Multiple lives can be saved from one donor. And you’ll be dead anyway! You won’t care then…

        Especially all bikers should be mandatory organ donors.

        • JJROKCZ
          10 months ago

          Fully agree and am an organ donee since I won’t be needing them anyhow. I know your agreed with me but I’ll say it again for others who might be confused.

          The issue is consent here, I know a lot of people don’t understand that word but the issue is he nor his family said they could have the heart, but the heart was taken anyway.

          • sik0fewl
            1410 months ago

            And I bet someone made money from it, too. It wasn’t just to save someone’s life.

            • GONADS125
              110 months ago

              I specifically said I wasn’t justifying what happened here. My point was just an aside on the importance of organ donation.

              I don’t condone stealing people’s organs. What happened here was clearly fucked up.

        • Alter_Id
          1010 months ago

          Eh, respecting peoples’ bodily autonomy isn’t that difficult. Not doing so causes way more problems in the world so far as I see it.

        • @FluorideMind
          010 months ago

          That article needs to compare those statistics with other types of events. I suspect it may just be from an increase in population during events.

        • @[email protected]
          -110 months ago

          That’s funny I consider another person who feels entitled to my organs to be insufferably selfish.

          • GONADS125
            210 months ago

            Are you directing this at me? If so, a swing and a miss.

            I do not feel entitled to your organs. I feel that people ought to donate them, and that those who do not donate are inherently selfish.

            Big difference. Be a decent human being and share your organs when you die, so that others can live. Let’s use analogy so you can see how inherently selfish this is.

            Suppose you have eaten until you’re full and decide you don’t want the rest. Since you have no more use for the food, you will throw it away in your garbage can at home.

            But then you come across 3 or 4 other people who are starving to death, and your food makes the difference between life and death for them.

            Do you feel morally compelled to stop and share this food, which has no more use for you? Do you feel like a piece of shit imaging driving past them to throw the food away in your garbage can?

      • @Mango
        1010 months ago

        The law isn’t the bunch of nice guys they convince you of with their controlled conditions.

      • @reversebananimals
        110 months ago

        A bunch of good ol boys trying their darndest to re-live the “good old days” of slavery.

    • Aviandelight
      1110 months ago

      Sounds to me like they are modern day resurrectionists for the local med school. I really hope the FDA takes a closer look at the med school’s procurement and documentation of human specimens.

      • girlfreddy
        910 months ago

        I’d say every for-profit prison should be put under a microscope to find all the shit they do.

        But that will never happen 'cause it would force the states/feds to revamp everything.

  • @badbytes
    4910 months ago

    In addition to prison officials, the lawsuit names the UAB Health System as defendants. The suit claims UAB’s School of Medicine obtained Dotson’s heart, and details a 2018 incident where medical students “noticed that a disproportionate number of the specimens they encountered during their medical training originated from individuals who had died in prison custody within the Alabama Department of Corrections.”

  • @[email protected]
    4410 months ago

    I would love to see the follow up to this. To see some sort of justice or reform. Sadly I feel this will change nothing and things will continue to get worse…

  • @aberrate_junior_beatnik
    2410 months ago

    We need a total and complete shutdown of prisons until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on

    • @[email protected]
      1810 months ago

      I’m going to upvote you, because I like your anger. But that would probably be a terrible idea to allow convicted killers and rapists out on the street who have not been rehabilitated.

      I wouldn’t argue with the possibility of temporarily releasing nonviolent criminals. 

      • ares35
        1110 months ago

        the current system isn’t doing a whole lot of ‘rehabilitation’.

      • @Mango
        1010 months ago


        I was convicted too. Zero evidence because I did nothing, but they just kept delaying my court case and making sure I was miserable. I eventually took their deal.

        • @grue
          610 months ago

          How do they avoid having your right to a speedy trial kick in?

      • @YoorWeb
        010 months ago

        Rehabilitated? We’re talking about the US, not Norway.

    • @pinkdrunkenelephants
      710 months ago

      We need to overthrow the shitty system and replace it with a new one, is what we need to do.

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago

        Every prison should be replaced with facilities for drug treatment, support groups, and job training. Give those people something to do and they won’t be a threat to anyone, and that burden on society will disappear in a couple generations because they’re not passing it on to their offspring.

        But of course that doesn’t directly make money for the people who own the system, so good luck convincing the folks in charge to make a change.

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      Lol obviously there are horrific things happening but you do realize that is completely impossible yes?

      • @Mango
        110 months ago


        They can’t stop us all. The only thing standing in the way of good is people who consider themselves good but stand by doing nothing while witnessing evil.

          • @grue
            -310 months ago

            “Dumbest thing [you] ever heard” is entirely different from “completely impossible,” you know.

            • @[email protected]
              310 months ago

              Obviously it’s “possible” to unlock all the doors and walk away.

              Whatcha gonna do with all the actual, legitimate violent criminals who just got dumped back into society all at once?

              • @[email protected]
                10 months ago

                Actually no its not possible to do that because if you do that some of the prisoners will become the new jailers.

                What I’m saying is that it is not actually possible for everyone to be free, because there are some people who aren’t the government who will actively kidnap and imprison other people.

              • @grue
                -410 months ago

                Obviously it’s “possible” to unlock all the doors and walk away.

                Thank you for admitting you were wrong.

                Whatcha gonna do with all the actual, legitimate violent criminals who just got dumped back into society all at once?

                How the fuck should I know? It wasn’t my idea, nor did I endorse it.

                • @[email protected]
                  310 months ago

                  Alright Copernicus, clearly the suggestion that it was “impossible” related to the unacceptable nature of releasing all criminals without review.

                  Agree that if you enforce childish semantic literalism then yes, I was wrong. But if you have at least two functioning neurons you’d understand quite clearly what was going on.

                  Assuming you do, that means you intended to be petty, and have nothing to add.

    • @Tangent5280
      -210 months ago

      Not the time or place bro. But it’s funny tho.