Researchers said changing packaging on meat and dairy-free products, which often proudly tout their vegan status, could result in more people selecting them.

People are more likely to pick a meat-free option if it’s not labelled vegan, a study suggests.

Foods described as “healthy”, “sustainable” or “plant-based” are all more appealing, according to the University of Southern California.

Its research saw more than 7,000 people asked to choose between a vegan food basket and one with meat and dairy.

The former was randomly labelled “vegan”, “plant-based”, “healthy”, “sustainable” or “healthy and sustainable”.

The experiment found people were more likely to select it when the focus was on its benefits (such as “sustainable”) rather than its content, though “plant-based” was still more popular than “vegan”.

  • @Bondrewd
    6110 months ago

    My first impression when something is being called vegan is that it was made with compromise, it has some deficiencies that its non-vegan version would would taste better with.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      910 months ago

      Exactly. How can people who don’t eat hamburgers know what a good hamburger tastes like? How can they think a tofurkey is anywhere close to a real one?

      Thankfully, like gluten free foods, vegan ones are getting better. Though I still don’t trust vegan cheese.

      • @[email protected]
        510 months ago

        My wife recently developed an allergy to dairy. There are some decent pizza blends and cheddar jack, but there are also a few that look and taste like melted plastic.

        I end up making 2 pizzas (since the other 3 people in the house still eat dairy) and her pizza is more gooey than stringy, but I’ll eat the leftovers of either no problem.

        • @Fleur__
          010 months ago

          One thing that made me enjoy pizzas alot more after having stopped eating cheese is to just have it without the cheese (or substitutes). Honestly sometimes I think I prefer it that way as I feel cheese can sometimes smother some of the more vibrant flavors. Highly recommend giving it a go!

          • @[email protected]
            110 months ago

            Yeah my crust game has improved and I copied/improved a crust seasoning based on one from King Arthur’s Flour.

            Brushed olive oil, seasoning and some brewers/nutritional yeast make really great breadsticks. And I can do it in about 30 minutes start to finish (plus a little more oven preheat time).

      • @Gigan
        310 months ago

        I assume the foods are developed and tested by non-vegans

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          010 months ago

          The newer ones are, but I’ve had plenty of meat replacements that definitely weren’t.

          • @Warl0k3
            10 months ago

            Yeah, before the current trend of sustainable / halthy / eco friendly foods (yay) there was absolutely zero broad market demand for vegan foods - so you only got vegan food from small vegan-run companies, who while very well meaning lacked the resources to make food that wasn’t an abomination like the disgusting slimy mess that is tofurkey.

            With the rise of the internet and global cultural exchange and etc, there’s widespread ability for vegans to work collaboratively on improving the quality of the food / find dishes that are both delecious and incidentally also vegan (ex: chana masala). I’ve even had some gluten free baked goods that dont take like chickpeas and sand!

            (Rant:) Not that gluten intolerances are real outside of coeliacs, but its a big step forward in niche cookery. Stop claiming to be gluten intolerant, you’re not, and by diluting the severity of gluten intolerance you’ve made it impossible for coeliacs to safely eat at restaurants or trust ‘gluten free’ processed foods / ingredients.

            • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
              310 months ago

              My mom’s coeliac and has been since the 80s. It’s gone from “salad no croutons” with extra croutons to “gluten free salad served in a bread bowl.” It’s really frustrating.

      • @Fleur__
        310 months ago

        Basically all vegans in the English speaking parts of the world have eaten meat before.

      • @hightrix
        10 months ago

        As Stephen Lynch would say, “Tofurkey? Toe fuck yourself”.

        That stuff is not delicious. It is barely edible.

    • @kttnpunk
      -2110 months ago

      Mine is the opposite. I assume there’s subpar ingredients in all non-vegan products. But I hate all this processed crap that pretends to be meat for this exact reason -and now, great. I have to look even more closely at labels. I don’t want plant burgers with cage-free eggs I want plant burgers made from real mushrooms and beans, not chemicals and a fetish for corpse flavor…

      • snooggums
        3110 months ago

        I do eat plenty of meat but also enjoy a lot of vegan and vegetarian dishes. The best ones are those that don’t pretend to be meat and do their own thing, because they play to the strength of their ingredients instead of failing to be something else.

        • @Gigan
          610 months ago

          The best ones are those that don’t pretend to be meat and do their own thing, because they play to the strength of their ingredients instead of failing to be something else.

          I’ve prepared some vegetarian meals and agree 100%.

        • @kttnpunk
          -610 months ago

          May the gods smile upon you. Vegan diets aren’t right for everyone but I love this take, that’s exactly what I’m saying -that impossible and beyond meat specifically are inferior flavor and nutrition-wise to more traditional, less processed vegan alternatives. I just especially hate seeing the former praised as healthier than meat when it’s literally bad for you in a lot of the same ways…

      • @Bondrewd
        010 months ago

        If by any chance that is true its because it costs twice as much.

  • @SweatyFireBalls
    2410 months ago

    I don’t eat meat and haven’t for a long time, the last few years I’ve been vegetarian.

    There was a period of time I ate vegan. I still practice some things to this day, trying to eat less processed foods, sourcing things from as humane of a source as possible and that means not just animals, but also people. That’s a part of being vegan, if it exploits anything, you avoid it.

    It’s hard, especially living in a country that has only partially embraced it. You try and live outside that norm, outside of a big city, and sourcing what you want and at a reasonable price is a pain in the ass.

    Now to my point, I never felt so much animosity as when I mentioned being vegan. People would ask me what is wrong with me, I would often get lectured on how my perceptions on the meat industry is wrong, and told how I was harming my body by not getting enough protein.

    I’m not here to preach my stances.

    However, that animosity wasn’t just from people with typical diets. What stopped me at first was the reputation vegans had. I didn’t want to be associated with that at the time, while I believe things need to change I’m also against shoving my views on someone. Eventually, I met some vegans and they were the opposite of what I heard, I asked about what they do and how they eat, and I tried it.

    When I eat with someone new, and I say I’m vegetarian the response is almost always positive, except those who like to try and belittle my manhood because I don’t eat meat.

    However, what really affected my view towards veganism and why I eventually started saying I eat plant based was because of that scrutiny. People felt so nosy and judgemental. Then I decided maybe I should seek like minded people.

    I checked out vegan subreddits, looked for other vegans to meet irl and pretty often when i would mention I’m vegan but I’m against lecturing, I would get the most vile responses. I still remember a time on Reddit that I said exactly that and was harassed by a lot of accounts telling me I was worse for the vegan movement than meat eaters because I wasn’t actively pushing my beliefs. So I started to feel isolated, when I would be around some people they would say “oh you’re still vegan?” And when I eventually went back to being vegetarian I still sometimes hear “I knew it wouldn’t last” or sometimes flamed for the exact kind of view I’m posting now by individuals who may still think I’m a problem.

    This is a long winded way of saying, I could have guessed the results of that study and I’m not surprised. I think one of the biggest enemies of the movement is themselves in my experience, and it makes me sad because I really do wish it would catch on more. I wish I didn’t sometimes feel like I have to hide my diet, and I wish people wouldn’t put so much value on a damn food packaging label.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      810 months ago

      I think a lot of the problems we have around eating or not eating meat are with identity. You can’t just enjoy a vegan meal, or eat less meat. You have to make it your identity: You are a vegan and you swear off all meat products. And you must evangelize or you’re not a good vegan.

      Conversely, just 12% of the population - mainly males between 50 and 65 - eat half the beef in the country. Why? Because they identify as manly manly men and manly men eat meat. Any suggestion that they eat less, even seeing other men eating less meat, attacks a core part of their identity.

      These sorts of identities make it harder for people to change their behavior, and are making it harder to reduce meat consumption to the levels we need.

      • @hydrospanner
        410 months ago

        Why? Because they identify as manly manly men and manly men eat meat. Any suggestion that they eat less, even seeing other men eating less meat, attacks a core part of their identity.

        Was that in the study or did you just make that part up?

    • @hydrospanner
      410 months ago

      Regarding dietary choices as a personality trait, I feel for you.

      Personally, as long as it’s not being forced on me, I really don’t care what anybody chooses to eat or not eat…but I’ve definitely seen vegetarian and vegan folks get some harassment for their choices, and I’ve also certainly seen the reverse, with vegetarian and vegan eaters shaming others who don’t do as they do (in many cases, exactly as they do). Hell I’ve been on the receiving end of it myself.

      While two wrongs don’t make a right, and I’m sure vegetarians/vegans are on the receiving end of that sort of flak far more often…on the other hand, I think that the percentage of people who give others a hard time about what they’re eating is far higher among the vegetarian/vegan community than outside it. That is to say, it appears that the “preachy, holier-than-thou vegetarian/vegan” is a very well-earned/deserved stereotype…as those things go. Even extending, as you’ve unfortunately had to deal with, to turning their derision on members of their own community. They’ve also done themselves no favors by making it less a matter of “what you eat” and more a matter of “who you are”.

      The identity politics of vegetarianism and veganism certainly create a lot more potential for toxicity…and it’s unfortunate: I’m sure there are plenty of people who might consider reducing or even eliminating meat from their diets, but the thought of being associated with these groups is enough to keep them content with the status quo.

    • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
      10 months ago

      Humans also hunted those animals on foot and killed them with rocks. Things are different now and meat consumption is killing the planet.

        • @Warl0k3
          110 months ago

          … Consumption drives production, though.

            • @rodolfo
              210 months ago

              Damn right. market does NOT regulate itself

          • @rodolfo
            110 months ago

            no. companies and people in governments can choose to do the right thing, yet they do the opposite. why? sweet sweet dollars.

      • @rodolfo
        410 months ago

        to be honest, after the hunting period they captured the animals, cross bred them, kept them near them and then obviously killed them to eat them, just to eventually invent the internet, among other things.

    • @mhague
      110 months ago

      deleted by creator

    • @Fleur__
      10 months ago

      Never vaccinate, humans weren’t vaccinating since the beginning. Don’t fix what is not broken

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        False dichotomy.

        There’s a number of other alternatives:

        reduction in global population has already been mentioned, but there’s also technology change (industrialised farming has kept us well ahead of the “we can’t feed that many people” curve for a century);

        and technology advances in what we eat (lab grown meat etc);

        there are also unexploited sources of protein such as insects.

      • @rodolfo
        10 months ago

        what are pros of +8 billion humans?

        Edit: let’s also say, >three billions humans

          • @rodolfo
            310 months ago

            oh for a moment I thought there was an upside. completely agree.

            meat isn’t the issue, it’s humans in numbers >3 billions.