I need that “my ancestor” shirt.
Yeah the future looks pretty fucking cool. Free birth control? Drugs and sex? Leather jackets?? Hell yeah
I want the shirt that promotes the concept of Drugs (and also pirates?)
Guy looks straight out of the old mad max movies
My first thought
Ok, but that “my ancestor” is shirt is actually sick and I’d wear it
Thank you
I swear ive seen this exact same post with this exact same comment
Last time I saw this post it was on infinity for Reddit
Somehow free birth control and sexual orientation counseling are supposed to be bad?
Yes, enjoying sex is bad. God gave you those nerve endings but doesn’t want you to use them because logic.
They got the guns right, I guess. But hey, Jesus apparently likes those… isn’t that what the so-called god-fearing christians are preaching these days?
Ah, but you see the “christians” only need the guns because they have guns, whoever the they is at this point in time
Ironically, I can more easily see the kid in the second panel holding a rifle. He grew up to be this:
For whatever reason I can’t stop seeing her as James Bond from an alternate universe where he’s actually a crackhead woman where guys never want to sleep with her but she tries anyway. She takes her martini shaken and stirred on the crack rocks.
Also, horrendous trigger discipline and I don’t even use guns lol
It’s actually really good trigger discipline, if you’re trying to kill someone. Which, let’s be honest, she probably hoped she could.
This is Mad Magazine. In the 1990s.
It’s from one of their longest running segments, “The Lighter Side of”
Everyone reacting here is hilarious
I’ve seen Chick Tracts that look basically indistinguishable from this.
Probably because it’s from another religious tract called “Truth for Youth”.
If this is the case, I apologize profoundly for my earlier comment. I’m from Europe and have the impression that even the most absurd things are quite possible in the USA.
Honestly, Chick Tracts aren’t terribly far off from this. They’re insane fearmongering nonsense
They completely are (the absurd things, that is. It sucks here, sometimes).
Mad/Cracked/Crazy/Sick/Trash are all similar publications that took extreme satirical takes like this throughout the 60s-90s, though they were all dead by the time the mid 2000s came around, with the exception of Mad, which would cease monthly publication not long after.
I can vaguely remember Mad Magazine. We had that too, but I’m not sure what content it actually covered. My much older cousins subscribed to it at the time, but I can only dimly remember spy-vs-spy comic strips.
How about the fold-ins! Those were great!
The page would have a Where’s Waldo looking scene, and when you folded it in half, you saw the secret image which was usually the punchline to a joke.
My parents bought me Mad every once in a while because they remembered it from their own childhood/youth lol
Why /nottheonion is a thing
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I don’t recall Mad Magazine including Bible quotes:
Thread op is a liar! Get yer pitchforks!
deleted by creator
Victim envy. The Puritans had a great thing going in Holland, except for the fact that they had to consort with other people who wanted religious freedom. The Puritans needed to be isolated so they could be ‘free’ of other people’s ideas.
Remember, you aren’t free unless you’re standing on another person’s back.
Anyone who is desperate to keep our other ideas usually has such weak ideas that they fall to the simplest questioning. Puritans were authoritarians who were being asked basic questions and didn’t like it… Basically proto fascists who had the option to GTFO and took it. Then repressed and murdered native Americans en masse because they were the “other” while promoting uneven applications of laws they set.
Jack Chick made a “career” if it.
This looks to be his handiwork.
EDIT: Volkditty corrected me.
I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this is Danny Bulanadi’s work instead.
And you are correct! Didn’t see the signature, Apologies
Mad Magazine did.
And yes, they are quite twisted and lovely.
Looks like a Chick Tract. These have always been ludicrous. In fact they had one about Dungeons and Dragons, which got a movie adaptation (by folks that were almost certainly taking the piss), which has a “review” by JonTron.
I have to watch this. Thanks for the link!
Here’s a 99% invisible (a great podcast) episode on Chick Tracts: https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/chick-tracts/
I watched that (the original, not the review) assuming it was serious at first, but there’s no way it’s not some level of parody when they drop a couple lesbian hints before the girls even get into RPGs (because that conflicts with the line about choosing to be homosexual.)
I was surprised when the preacher at the end said that occult works included those of Tolkien and CS Lewis, but after looking it up, turns out Jack Chick actually believed that.
It was a surprisingly interesting movie nonetheless. Thought it was interesting how the evil wizards used computers to track magic levels. You don’t see that very often.
For context, I am a Christian, and I also play TTRPGs. I once even ran a Bible-themed one-shot for some kids during sunday school. They’re not inherently evil, but there’s definitely a risk if you’re not careful about what you’re playing and who you’re playing with. Though the same can be said for a lot of people, which is why it’s generally agreed to be important to set boundaries before you start.
Moral of the story: GMs, don’t kill off player characters, or the players will kill themselves off, apparently.
The conservatives were right, but it’s them holding the guns.
The signs should read “No Birth Control” and “CIS sexual orientation only” and it would have to be the Right Wingnuts holding the guns, that’s their thing making sure more guns get into schools somehow. The monkey shirt would be worn as mockery. The drugs shirt would have to be “We love meth and Oxy!” considering how much that stuff is favored among the poorer conservative areas.
And the Bible panel is just bullshit. The kid is ranting about LBGTQ kids and how they’re all going to hell because the Bible says so.
They won’t even say “cis” since that’s an implicit acknowledgement of “trans.” The sign would surely say “conversion therapy.”
I like your idea better. You’re right.
I have a LARGE collection of chick tracts. Which are full of nonsense like this. It would be hilarious, except people actually believe that shit.
The only bad thing in the comic are the weapons really which in my experience at least the fundamentalist seem to love.
Strangely the cop isn’t armed. How’s he going to shoot anyone’s dog?
I can believe a book of this size could be dangerous. What an absolute unit of a Bible, that thing is half the height of that teenager.
They love to pretend they are persecuted. Usually to justify their own shit
dude was rocking a neck tattoo and brow piercings. he was way ahead of the curve.
If only