I wonder how many younger people will have no idea what Calvin is doing to dial the phone.
My fave is the cartoon where Calvin is busy hammering nails into the dining table. His mom rushes in and screams, “Calvin, what are you DOING??” And he looks at the table, then at her and says, “Is this a trick question?” I can identify as being that kind of kid.
I’ve grown up with dial phones being something from grandma and i’m past 30.
Ok boomer
How would he get the reciever off?
*Is this confirmed Calvin’s Dad is a leftie?
I’ve very much so noticed in the cartoon universe that most people are lefties, so he very well could be!
I miss Calvin and Hobbes. I really respected Bill Watterson’s work. Can anyone tell me how I can get a decal of Calvin peeing on Hobbes for my pickup truck, 'cause that would really be great…
Not sure if you are being facetious, but Bill Watterson never endorsed those stickers and as far as I know even tried to stop them at one point.
That’s exactly what I am being. Because Watterson went to such great lengths to try to keep his creations from being misused and mass marketed to sell other products. And also, it’s a line from the Simpsons - Moe says, “If you could get me a decal of Calvin peein’ on Hobbes, that would be great!” Well - it’s funny in a kind of sad way if you think about it.