• Drusas
    166 months ago

    I see Biden gradually losing support over supporting Israel, but where is that going? Both parties support Israel. So I guess this means it’s just encouraging people not to vote at all? Let the fascism win because voting for the lesser evil feels too bad?

    • @agitatedpotato
      5 months ago

      Away, that support is going away. Third party candidates, write ins, and abstaining from the presedential all together. You don’t have to vote on every race on your ballot. This waning of support is an issue the dems need to deal with if they want to win.

      • @SCB
        5 months ago

        I guarantee you the Dems will do nothing about this issue because they lose more votes caving to that minority than they gain pursuing it.

        Like what you see is “student groups in my college are protesting genocide” and what most people are is “these colleges are getting really antisemitic, and that’s a problem.”

        Neither of those groups are correct, but one is significantly larger and more reliable as a voting bloc than the other

        • @assassin_aragorn
          35 months ago

          There’s a great NYT poll which demonstrates this actually.


          The young adult group is actually in favor of trump by 10% iirc – but if you narrow your scope to likely young voters, it flips back to Biden (same with the poll overall for everyone surveyed vs likely voters). Those who disapproved of Biden were more likely to have not voted in 2020.

          This should be a red flag to anyone who believes non voters withholding a vote will cause Democrats to change positions. A non voter threatening not to vote is frankly meaningless. If you’re looking at reliable voters who want you to support A, and unreliable voters who want you to support B, why would you cater to the unreliable voter viewpoint (absent any moral context)? Young people who voted for Biden in 2020 have far more leverage and influence than their counterparts who didn’t vote.

        • @agitatedpotato
          -15 months ago

          Bold strategy, I guess we’ll see how that works out for them.

    • @cheese_greater
      5 months ago

      Like I get this is a dangerous area but it shouldn’t really push anyone towards Mr. Trump .

      Edit: given the parties attitudes towards voting (dems want more people to vote, repubs want less) a non-vote is a push for Trump because it gives them exactly want they would have to work orherwise to message and use dirty tricks to accomplish. They need not lift a finger and your “protest” vote has helped them win by default

      • @TheBananaKing
        36 months ago

        Maybe - and this is a pretty radical, bleeding-edge out there kind of idea - maybe Biden should stop fucking supporting Israel, then.

        • @cheese_greater
          6 months ago

          What is his enmeshment or is that more of a US political system issue in general? Something something A-dee-el?

          Trump literally made Jerusalem the capital or some shit. Why do you think he’s going to be any tuffer on Israel + Netanyahoo?

          • @TheBananaKing
            46 months ago

            Trump is a suppurating piece of shit.

            However, fuck the mindset that says “I don’t need to be good enough to vote for, so long as the other guy is worse”.

            And extra-splintery-fuck the mindset that blames the voters for ‘getting it wrong’. Mmmnope, that’s rejecting the entire premise of democracy.

            If you don’t get the votes, it means you suck.

            If you want to win, stop sucking.

            If you want to keep sucking, you don’t get to complain when you lose.

      • @agitatedpotato
        5 months ago

        It’s not pushing people toward Trump, it’s just pushing people away from Biden, and in some cases away from the polls all together. This is the reality of financing genocide, people aren’t going to be happy about it, and telling them there will still be genocide regardless of what they do, doesn’t in fact make them choose genocide. The dems need to either do something about those voters or find a way to win without them.

        • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
          05 months ago

          They’ll try to find a way to win without them. Support of Israel by the US isn’t going anywhere, no matter how much we don’t like it.

          Just like the last 250 years of US history: We need to be deal with our country to do heinous shit we don’t like. Because it’s gonna, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

    • @[email protected]
      15 months ago

      It won’t happen. These articles are mad annoying and talk out their ass.

      Polling has been pretty wrong the last couple elections. It claimed a red wave twice which never materialized and saw Hillary winning which she didn’t.

      On top of that most voters already know who they will vote for and why. Nobody is being shifted to or from Biden over this, just seeing more reason to dislike Dems and want better candidates.

      When they say Biden is losing support they mean progressive America is watching

  • YeetPics
    35 months ago

    So weird that a sitting us president would back strategic allies instead of the group chanting “death to America” I literally can’t wrap my head around it. Does anyone know why?

  • @[email protected]
    15 months ago

    The youth don’t want Genocidal Joe. He needs to take all the heat, and step down so someone new can win against Trump.