A federal judge hearing a challenge to a transgender health care ban for minors and restrictions for adults noted that Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis spread false information about doctors mutilating children’s genitals

A federal judge hearing a challenge to a transgender health care ban for minors and restrictions for adults noted Thursday that Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis repeatedly spread false information about doctors mutilating children’s genitals even though there’s been no such documented cases.

The law was sold as defending children from mutilation when it is actually about preventing trans children from getting health care, Judge Robert Hinkle said to Mohammad Jazil, a lawyer for the state.

“When I’m analyzing the governor’s motivation, what should I make of these statements?” Hinkle asked. “This seems to be more than just hyperbole.”

  • Flying Squid
    3810 months ago

    A federal judge hearing a challenge to a transgender health care ban for minors and restrictions for adults noted Thursday that Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis repeatedly spread false information about doctors mutilating children’s genitals even though there’s been no such documented cases.

    Unless you include circumcision. Something tells me Bobblehead Puddingfingers doesn’t include circumcision, however.

    • @rockSlayer
      10 months ago

      Look, the only reason we don’t have God flooding the Earth constantly is because we’ve been supplying God with an adequate amount of foreskins. We don’t know what he does with them, but he happily takes them all

      • @SkyezOpen
        810 months ago

        I actually ran into him yesterday. He has a lovely new leather jacket. It turned into a duster when he rubbed it.

  • TechyDad
    2210 months ago

    They have a standard formula for these things. First, scream about some horrible thing happening that nobody could really defend. Would it be bad if doctors were routinely giving 5 year old kids sex change surgery? Yes. Of course, that never happens but that’s not the point. They’ve created a straw man argument that’s so bad that arguing against them means they can paint you as being “for” the horrible thing.

    So they ban the horrible thing that never happens. But they do it using such open ended language that it can be applied in other areas. So the law isn’t written as “no sex change surgery for 5 year olds.” No, it’s written as “no gender affirming treatment for kids.” If you try to argue against it, they claim that you’re in favor of chopping off the genitals of 5 year olds and how dare you be so disgusting!

    Of course, they know what they are doing. The cruelty is the point. But they use “protect the children” to shield themselves from any attacks. Not that they care about the children, mind you. Kids are just useful props to them.

    Then, once their “we’ve got to protect the kids” bill becomes law, they push to expand it. It turns out that we don’t need to just ban gender affirming treatment to kids, but to adults too. Again, the bill is written vaguely so it can be interpreted as loosely as possible depending on what they want. And they fall back on the unrealistic scenario whenever they face criticism. You’re against banning gender affirming care for adults? Well, then you must want every boy to be transitioned to a girl at 5 years old! How dare you, you monster!!!

    NOTE: This attack doesn’t work with everyone. Those of us on the left tend to see through it most times, but it’s sad that it works on so many people. They really believe that the left wants to force every child to get gender surgery when the reality is that gender surgery in kids is pretty much non-existent. (If it happens at all, there’s a lot of other mitigating factors than 5 year old Timmy realizes that “he” is actually she.)

  • Jonamerica
    210 months ago

    Wait, politicians lie? But, but… Republicans are all about morality and goodness. I’m shocked! SHOCKED, I TELL YOU!