2024 will finally be the year of Linux desktop
Year of the steam deck for me!
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I mean, it would have to be the year of the plant since Gatorade is what they crave
Well, we hit 3% of market share in 2023, so this was definitely one of the years of the Linux desktop.
2023 was the best year for me in a long time. Got a neat promotion and a marry-worthy partner :)
Did your promotion exceed inflation by a nice margin?
It really did! It’s a decent boost to my savings for sure
Today you will stub your toe. Twice.
Easy there, Satan
Same toe. Same spot.
That’s awesome!
In this awful time we live in, that’s all you can ask for! That’s awesome!
Congrats on both!
Those two make a big difference. Ten years ago I was broke, in an abusive marriage, and still trying to work out a bunch of personal issues.
Today, I have an awesome (different) wife, a job I don’t hate where I make good money, kids that I love, and a place to call home.
There’s still rough days. Those are part of life. But I am a very fortunate man and even when I have a bad day, I remember that it used to be and could be way, way worse.
It’s good you were able to get out of that abusive situation and into something better. Congratulations, my friend :)
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Aww congrats dude :)
This meme I made early last year is relevant.
2024, an election year, will definitely be a shitshow.
Yeah, but does that mean it’s a normal and expected shitshow?
Dunno, is a coup attempt normal and expected now?
USA: “I am the Banana Republic now”
I’d say it’s going to be more of a shitshow than normal, but that will be expected.
2024 will be the year of esteemed Academy Award winning character actress Margot Robbie.
I can feel it.
I really hope so! The alternatives look really grim right now
I’d say I have faith, but that implies I don’t have confidence in your abilities. You got it!
I keep wishing everyone a very boring 2024. Makes me happy when they reply in kind.
You haven’t said “2024 will be the year” because you’re thinking life will be depressing from here on out and nothing will improve.
I haven’t said “2024 will be the year” because it’s always “the year” for me regardless of what I say or don’t say.
We are not the same.
This guy years.
This guy this guys.
Guys? GUYS!
I feel like the last properly good year, at least for me, was 2012. Everything has just been a slow fumbling collapse since then.
The Mayans had it right
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It’ll be the best year yet for global warming, that’s a guarantee. Every year will be setting new records for the forseeable future.
There’s always the possibility of nuclear winter…
Yep, all we need is nuclear winter to balance out the global warming!
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
Let’s not pls :(
Porque no los dos?
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Last few months been great over here! I’m still a fuckin loser but now I go sailing and do jiu-jitsu with my brother 👍
Nice! Happy for you!
A friend of mine posted it as her Insta note and I just silently thought ‘noooo.’
Things get better for me every year. And I’m actually a doomer too lol
Of course it depends what you do with your year. Move up the ladder, or move to a better place or changing your hobbies or whatever can all make it a better year. Politically - it’s gonna be a crapfest of a shitshow. No two ways about that.
The New Year is always going to be the best … but every time we get there, we just end up wishing for the next New Year.
Which means wishing for the New Year is a phenomenal that we can never achieve.
It’s always a wish that can never be fulfilled.
I think little orphan Annie has a song about this.
She was little … she wasn’t an orphan … and her name wasn’t Annie