In memorial to Hootie, some nice Barred Owl pics.

Photos by David Burt

  • walden
    59 months ago

    We had a nice Barred Owl in our back yard last year. These pictures were taken with a phone, which tells you how close it was. It didn’t seem to mind us.

    • anon6789OP
      19 months ago

      Those are real nice! You’re so lucky to have such a great encounter!

      • walden
        29 months ago

        Thanks! I definitely zoomed in a lot with my phone, which you can tell looking at the full sized pictures. It was really neat seeing it that close. We even saw it catch a mouse or a toad in our yard.

        • anon6789OP
          39 months ago

          Extra cool!

          I think the pics look great.

  • @Alteon
    9 months ago

    I tried hiking the AT years ago, and there were these awesome abandoned campgrounds that came with running water and nice pretty friendly camping locations. We joked around about the place being haunted, and if there was any place we were going to be murdered, it was most definitely that place. Well, at about 2 in the morning. I wake up to what sounds like cackling monkeys off in the distance. You’d hear one wind up, and then like another dozen follow suit. Raised the hair in the back of my neck up. We listened for another 10 minutes as they got closer and closer until they were directly on top of us. And WE FREAKED OUT. Turns out it was a massive group of young barred owls that were just goofing around late at night. I had a tough time sleeping the rest of that night, but we ran into an arborist the following morning that knew exactly what they were.

    I hear them all the time now off in the woods around our house. Awesome little owls.

    The sounds:

    • anon6789OP
      29 months ago

      Owls, giving humankind nightmares for millenniums! 😆

    • anon6789OP
      29 months ago

      I heard the sound now. It sounds like Mickey Mouse doing a duck call! 😆