• @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Whomever may be reading this, I’ve recently found incredible luck with dawn dish soap.

    • Run glasses and hands under water
    • Put glasses to the side and lather dish soap on your fingers.
    • Using your lathered fingers, gently apply soap to glasses
    • Put glasses to the side and rinse off your hands so they’re not still soapy
    • Reduce water pressure so it’s gentle, constant stream of water.
    • Rinse off glasses

    I only really clean my glasses once a month ish. Maybe twice. Of course if I smear my glasses or it’s an eventful week, I clean as needed. That’s just how often I clean them.

    • @DasAlbatross
      139 months ago

      This is the way, with a nice microfiber towel to dry.

      It’s also hard to do on the go and when I’m lazy.

      • @Garbanzo
        19 months ago

        If you use a nice smooth stream of water it’ll leave the lenses spotless. If you’re doing it right you only need to dry the frames.

    • StametsOP
      59 months ago

      I have a box of a few hundred disposable glasses cleaning wipes I just stuff everywhere. Was like $20 on Amazon and my best purchase ever. Been using it for months. Life changing.

      • @blackbirdbiryani
        69 months ago

        The problem is you wanna wash off any potential grit with running water before cleaning your glasses, otherwise those wipes will still scratch them. I never use glasses cleaning wipes for that reason.

        • StametsOP
          69 months ago

          I mean sure if you’re covered in mud or something. For general wear and use? Most people aren’t getting grit or sand or heavy dirt particles on their glasses. They’re just getting smudges and water spots and tiny hairs or eye dust.

          • @blackbirdbiryani
            49 months ago

            You’d be surprised, if you’re anywhere near a road regularly or live in a city you’re bound to pick up fine dust on your glasses. It may not make much of a difference in the short term but preventing grit scratches makes your glasses last much longer in my experience.

      • @Nastybutler
        29 months ago

        I got some from Costco. Fantastic purchase. I’ve been wearing glasses daily for less than a year at this point and feel dread when I don’t have one of these wipes handy and need to clean them

    • @blackbirdbiryani
      29 months ago

      I picked up this trick from a reddit comments years ago and it’s a godsend, perfectly clean smudge-free glasses, and they last longer as you’re less likely to scratch them.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      i’ve had glasses for a little over a year now and this is what i too have been doing since beginning. i thought it would be bad for the lenses and remove the coating but kept on doing it anyway and they are totally fine. i keep a soft cloth in my pocket for little smudges though.

  • @Sanctus
    329 months ago

    I have acquired Swamp Sight on my work glasses.

    Swamp Sight:
    A creature with this feat may peer through dirty lenses and objects as if they had true sight and dark vision. If a smudge or other blemish obstructs view, the creature may see through it as if it were not there.

    • @Caboose12000
      99 months ago

      I got this too and now my friends complain about my car windshield whenever I drive them places

  • @[email protected]
    249 months ago

    I’m honestly looking at getting Lasik just so I never have to deal with cleaning glasses so often.

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      I got LASIK earlier this year. It’s an expensive solution to the many small inconveniences that glasses have, but totally worth it imo.

      I went from -5.25 with mild astigmatism to 20/15 eagle vision basically overnight.

  • @Wardacus16
    219 months ago

    I’ve only been wearing glasses for a few months and only when I’m in front of a pc screen. How on earth does anyone keep them clean?

    • Dept
      179 months ago

      my brain just learned to ignore smudges.

    • @MooseLad
      99 months ago

      The longer you wear them, the easier it is. I didn’t get glasses until I was over 20. I wasn’t used to them, so I would have to clean them about every hour. Now that I’ve been wearing them for the better part of ten years, I don’t even have to clean them every day.

    • @rockSlayer
      79 months ago

      The inside part of your shirt around your waist is usually clean enough to just wipe your glasses clean without any cleaner. Rub in small circular motions until you get the entire lense

      • @[email protected]
        259 months ago

        I wouldn’t recommend that if you have any special coatings on the lenses. Basically anything but microfiber cloths will scratch the coating.

        • @rockSlayer
          59 months ago

          I have transition lenses, and can confirm that any scratches on transitions are super small and unnoticeable

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            I made the mistake once of cleaning transitions lenses with a paper towel. Those scratches were not small or unnoticeable sadly. Since that experience, i strictly stick to microfiber.

            • @[email protected]
              49 months ago

              I didn’t have transitional lenses, but I had the same set of lenses for like 10 years. I just used tissues and tshirt to clean them. I never had a problem with visibility, but around the sides, some coating was coming off, but I never noticed it while wearing these glasses.

      • @[email protected]
        39 months ago

        I’ve found that denim does a rather good job. I actually have a couple cleaning cloths cut from old jeans, but I mostly just use the leg of whatever pair I’m wearing.

    • @[email protected]
      -49 months ago

      I’m curious about how some people seem to think it’s a daily task.

      Is this is a dust/smog thing?

      • @bassomitron
        169 months ago

        Try having long eyelashes, it can be a pain

      • @[email protected]
        19 months ago

        I think, as another user here pointed out, that it’s more about how long someone has been wearing glasses and therefore how often they accidentally touch them. I’ve only been wearing glasses for about 6 months, so I accidentally touch them several times a day. I have to wipe them clean each time, and I need to wash them clean once or twice a week as the oils build up.

  • WashedOver
    99 months ago

    I’ve recently started wearing sports goggles for hockey as I can’t do contacts. I feel this one a lot. The fogging up and the constant sweating on the lens is never ending…

      • WashedOver
        59 months ago

        Working through some of that now but the sweating and then cleaning the sweat off is making it worse. Still need to figure out a system where cleaning them doesn’t invite the fogging after. I think if I never sweated on them I would be fine for fogging up.

        • @[email protected]
          49 months ago

          if I never sweated on them I would be fine for fogging up

          There’s your solution then: play hockey as lazily as you possibly can 😛

        • @xpinchx
          9 months ago

          Motorcycles have something called pinlock maybe something like that exists for corrective goggles?

          With my pinlock on I can drive in freezing weather and not fog up.

  • @virku
    9 months ago

    Father of toddlers here. I’ve just embraced the opaque side.

  • N-E-N
    69 months ago

    I keep a microfiber cloth with me always and wipe the lenses 2-5 times a day.

    Honestly not too much effort and they’re consistently pretty clean

    • @RubberElectrons
      9 months ago

      You’ll find that this invites scratches in your lens coatings, with minute bits of dust and sand embedding themselves into the cloth.

      Microfiber’s strength is also its weakness: being so good at trapping material that it never lets them go, even after washing.


      • N-E-N
        19 months ago

        After a couple years there are minor scratches but, they’re largely still in very good shape

  • @profdc9
    59 months ago

    I wipe my glasses with Sparkle and a microfiber cloth. We must imagine Sisyphus happy.

  • @A_Random_Idiot
    59 months ago

    I just learned to ignore anything that isnt a significant, sight obstructing smudge, cause I got tired of wiping every drop of sweat or accidental finger brush off my lenses.

  • @[email protected]
    39 months ago

    Wore glasses for almost my whole life. Never touch them with your hands, don’t splatter foods when eating, position them so your lashes don’t touch them if possible. I always keep some microfiber cloths and lens cleaning solution at my desk.

    But got lasik over a year ago. Sure the dry eyes are a pain in dry weather, but it’s nicer than not having to worry about smudging my glasses. Also, even though there is some light flaring at night if my eyes are dry, it’s not as bad as when I get them with glasses that have microscratches on them.

    I still notice when other people who have glasses have smudges all over them and they seem to not be bothered by it. Even I’m bother by seeing it imagining how bad everything must look. Hell, even a speck of dust annoys me while wearing glasses if it’s in the right spot.