Issam Al Mughrabi, 56, who worked for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) for three decades was killed along with his wife and children in an Israeli air strike on Friday.

“For almost 30 years, Issam has worked with UNDP through our Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People,” UNDP administrator Achim Steiner said in a statement.

“The loss of Issam and his family has deeply affected us all. The UN and civilians in Gaza are not a target.”

Offering his condolences to Issam’s family and colleagues the World Health Organization’s chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stressed in a post on X that “humanitarians should never be victims” and called for a ceasefire.

  • Gazumi
    1289 months ago

    And our elected leaders stand by politely ignoring the obvious humanitarian issues and overt war crimes.

    • @[email protected]OP
      549 months ago

      I think what annoys me most is the American news sources who trumpet Biden’s speeches saying that he’s told Netanyahu to stop the killing, yet fail to report America stonewalling a UN vote for a cease fire … and forcing the UN to water down what they do ask for.

      I hate hypocrisy and America is full of it (like many nations are).


      • ???
        109 months ago

        Yep. I noticed Biden is trying to have both: pretends to support a 2 state solution that will never happen, while simultaneously giving weapons in aid to Israel. And on top of that he expects people to vote for him because he’s not Trump.

        You can’t have it all, Joe

      • @[email protected]
        69 months ago

        Well, the US does have an ardent pro-Israel Zionazi as the president this time around.

        Genocide is fine so long as it destabilizes the middle east, gets oil corporations better deals thanks to that, and profits military corporations.

        • @[email protected]
          49 months ago

          it’s totally fair to criticize Biden as long as we can agree that the alternative is much worse.

          the alternative: genocide plus fascism.

        • @TrickDacy
          -49 months ago

          Yeah isn’t it nice how simple the world is? Black or white. No nuance. Nuance sure would be shitty.

          • @TokenBoomer
            79 months ago

            The world isn’t nice, because it’s so simple. Money.

    • TheHellDoIKnow
      129 months ago

      It has me truly dissuaded of the notion that the so called developed world has any sort of moral authority. We have to learn from this.

      • @Deckweiss
        59 months ago

        You must be new here…

    • @conquer4
      109 months ago

      And? I can not do shocked pickachu when they have done it for 234 years. At least this time we’re not the ones doing the war crimes.

    • @Aceticon
      249 months ago

      The UK were offering to send surveillance planes to help Israel with targetting in Gaza.

      As for Germany the very day the UN announced Israel had already killed over 4000 children in Gaza, herr Sholz reafirmed his unwavering support of Israel.

      Those two are some of the worst, only beaten in their love for these Fascists by the US.

      The ones to be proud of in Europe when it comes to their reaction to this massacre are the Republic of Ireland and Spain.

      • AutistoMephisto
        69 months ago

        I wonder what Hitler would have to say about Israel, if he could see it now? He’d probably tell them they’re doing it wrong, as if there’s a right way to genocide.

    • @sirboozebum
      189 months ago

      The UK is still reminiscing about the glory days of empire when it was exporting food from their colonies while millions of Indians and Irish starved to death or fighting a war to get Chinese people addicted to opium.

    • @nexusband
      129 months ago

      Germany is too wound up in internal stupidity contests right now. I wouldn’t be surprised if after January 2nd everything is grinding to a halt because of farmers and the new laws…

  • @[email protected]
    209 months ago

    Israel’s done for now! They will get stern words and hard finger wagging from the UN!

    • @sirboozebum
      109 months ago

      But Anthony Blinken said the United States has done more than any country to stop the killing of civilians in Gaza by providing unlimited quantities of bombs to kill civilians in Gaza.

    • @[email protected]
      49 months ago

      Lol who the fuck cares about MBFC? Why are you spamming posts about a useless rating made up by a single guy in North Carolina?

  • @Linkerbaan
    -49 months ago

    Merry Christmas wishes from Genocide Joe and his Nazi friends.

  • @[email protected]
    -329 months ago

    For what it’s worth Al Jazeera is literally a mouthpiece funded by the Qatari government. They’re like the VOA/Radio Free XXX/Xinhua/RT of Qatar. It’s literally Qatari propaganda.

        • ???
          129 months ago

          I’ve suggested to the mods a meta thread to discuss MBFC. The more I read about it, the more I’m convinced it’s not a good tool whatsoever.

          • @Aceticon
            79 months ago

            Quo custodiat ipsos custodiae? - Who watches the watchers?

            It seems to me that if you’re running a propaganda operation, setting up a centralized entity telling us all what newsmedia is trustworthy or not is an obvious play to manipulate people.

            Merely adding one level of delegation to “trust” doesn’t make something more or less trustworthy: some guys you know nothing about but what they (and the very people they say are trustworthy) tell us themselves, and who go around telling us who to trust and who not to trust, aren’t inherently trustworthy (in fact that’s an extra suspicious behaviour) - why should you trust them if you have no way to verify they’re both honest AND genuinelly competent at evaluating trustworthiness?

            (PS: In the business of passing judgement on Trust merelly honesty is not eough - all of us know of somebody who is a good honest person and yet on Facebook keeps sharing obvious bullshit: they genuinelly believe it hence they’re honest in what they share, only they’re gullible so their flawed judgment on what they believe in means they’ll believe any old bollocks and then spread it with total honesty).

            Trustworthiness is not an easy-peasy to solve “lets rely on these guys who just popped up on the Internet to tell us which news media to trust or not” and don’t at all ponder on the possible motivations and funding for that specific op - all this does did was add another link of uncertainty not solve the trust problem, and, worse, it’s a centralized one (a newspaper can only be or not be trustworthy, whilst these guys if they’re dishonest or incompetent actors can impact the preceived thrustworthiness of hundreds of newspapers) which makes it a much more desirable position for a propagandist.

            • @TokenBoomer
              69 months ago

              I get it. We gotta have guidelines or we get Daily Wire and The Blaze posted. But when The NY Times and Wash. Post isn’t covering Gaza accurately, shouldn’t they be held to the same standards? I’ve found corroborating news from Palestine on YouTube, Middle East Eye and Al-Jazeera. Only to find silence from Western sources. It’s disheartening.

              • @Doorbook
                69 months ago

                You seems genuine in your post so I would like to inform you that the middle east eye is owned by Qatar or Al-Jazeera.

                In general most news outlets are biased. That’s why you read multiple sources to confirm a report. Or if it is written by credible sources, or have clear videos and images.

                • ???
                  69 months ago

                  Honestly providing multiple sources for the same story is not a bad idea, but sometimes that would mean 5 articles that are copy-pastas of each other

              • @[email protected]
                39 months ago

                I mean, basically no one in the West covers China at all except to say “China bad and is simultaneously going broke and bankrolling all US politicians”

                • @[email protected]
                  -29 months ago

                  Which in fairness, seems like it is actually true… Those aren’t actually mutually exclusive

                  My bigger problem is I can’t get a read on the state of China. They’re seasoning stones and ice because they’re having food issues… But it’s a continent sized country. It contains multitudes.

                  There’s a lot of crazy shit going on over there, but is it falling apart, in decline, or just undergoing some crazy shit?

        • @mildlyusedbrain
          59 months ago

          I’m still curious why the comment then though. Without any further context it only seems to serve to imply the story is false.

            • @mildlyusedbrain
              59 months ago

              Not sure what that means in this context but from scanning your history, you don’t seem disingenuous so gonna chalk it up misunderstanding haha

        • @nutsack
          39 months ago

          you’re replying to him providing an alternative source with this?

    • ???
      49 months ago

      Al Jazeera reports factually, especially on issues in the middle east.

      Do you think this article contains any propaganda?

        • ???
          9 months ago

          I agree. I think the reason Aljazeera report so well on this is due to having many Arabi speaking Journalists and employing many people from the Middle East. They usually have video evidence of everything they provide, making it hard to refute.

          My main issue with them is Aljazeera Arabic’s emotional and charged language

          For example it will say:

          When Palestinian victims: استشهاد 4 اطفال four Children were martyred

          When IDF deaths: الجيش الإسرائيلي يعترف بمقتل 4 من جنوده the Israeli army “admits” to four soldiers killed

          But then again, it doesn’t bother me too much that the IDF “admits” casualties because they have been lying about that to everyone since the start. However, I would still prefer reading a source that won’t sway my emotions at every statement

          I don’t see this often in Aljazeera English