I think I’ll be finally picking up Project Wingman and Black Mesa in this sale.
What’s on your list?
I don’t see people mention Cross Codes often and no one has mentioned here yet so I think it’s “lesser known”.
It’s one of the games I got. I’m 20 hours in and the game is amazing so far.
The game can be pretty challenging sometimes so I’m not sure if it’s for everyone. I’d describe the game as a MMORPG but without the MMO. It has a lot less grinding than a MMO and a lot more puzzles.
I saw some people compare it to Zelda but I feel like that’s only accurate for some aspects.
Cross code won awards and was featured several times on Linus Tech tips. IDK how lesser known it could be then. It did come out a while ago. I agree that the game is good, but it is one of the few games I quit because of performance issues.
Oh wow. I only learned of the game this year so I might just be living under a rock. I don’t watch LTT often, do they do game reviews now?
They don’t do gaming reviews, but Crosscode was always that game Linus tested on those handheld consoles up until and including the Steam Deck. I remember him playing it to test latency and stuff on displays and stuff.
In a similar vein i would add Unsighted to this list.
Superflight is 59¢, I cannot stop playing this shit
ooo same folk that made thronefall.
thanks for the tip, def gonna pick this one up
Came here to say Superflight and Whisker Squadron: Survivor.
I love that game, great for a short or long chill session.
Cool game! Thanks for namedropping it here
Oh one game I forgot to include is Ghost Trick. It’s so lesser known I forgot about it.
This game is amazing. It’s by the creators of Phoenix Wright and it was originally made for the DS back in 2010. It was a commercial failure because Capcom didn’t advertise it at all and since it’s released it’s been pretty obscure. It was only ported to PC this year.
I think this is a game you should go in blind. I highly recommend this game.
funnily enough I first found out about this game and started playing it literally days before the announcement of the remaster. I’ll stick with the DS version when I continue it cause I prefer the stylus for this kind of game but I’m very glad others will get to enjoy this game regardless of their ownership of a DS.
I think this one is also pretty well known as a beloved cult classic lol
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon
- Sunset Overdrive
- Your Only Move is Hustle
- Death’s Door
- Super Woden GP 2
Super Woden GP 2 looks really interesting and I never heard of it. Going on the wishlist.
Shadow of the doubt
Return of the obra dinn
Hypnospace outlaw (haven’t played yet)
Lucifer among us (criminally short)
Into the breach
Curse of the dead gods
Sea of survivors
God of weapons
Tanuki sunset
En garde
Human fall flat
Later alligator
Party hard 2
Abandon ship
Lil gator game
Mosa lina
Obra Dinn is one of my favorites of all time.
Never heard of it. Is it a story heavy game? My Steam account says it’s similar to Hollow Knight and Ace Attorney, which seems like two completely different games.
I suppose you could say it’s story heavy since what you’re doing is piecing together what happened on the ship. The story is that you’re a insurance investigator and have to find out what happened to every person that was on the Obra Dinn. It’s a great game. If it matters, it’s a Lucas Pope game, the guy who made Papers Please.
Ooooo I do love some Papers Please. I’ll check it out. Thanks!
Hope you enjoy it!
Got it last night and played it for about an hour. Definitely a unique and interesting game! I’m enjoying it so far.
I don’t think there are any games that are similar to Obra Dinn, it’s very unique.
I just started it yesterday- got my first 9 completed!
Dude, that last guy. It was such tricky thing
I see Obra Dinn, I upvote. What an amazing game.
I’d call it the best detective game if it wasn’t for the shadow of the doubt
I picked up En Garde recently because I absolutely adore the tone, setting and swashbuckling duelist vibe.
It’s a little flat for me, I don’t feel like it has achieved the character fantasy of being a swashbuckler in the mechanics, instead I’m basically kicking boxes into people and stabbing them again and again.
It’s really hard at the beginning
I’m not a fan of the bleakness of souls games but maybe I’d like En Garde better, it looks like a lot of fun
I wouldn’t call it a soulslike really. Beyond being an over the shoulder melee game, it’s more of a classic PS2 era adventure game.
Hypnospace is SOOOOO GOOOOD if you grew up in the 90s on the internet.
Just bought, want to try
Not sure how well known it is, but on a friend’s recommendation I bought Cassette Beasts. I just got a second hand Steam Deck and it’s a fun combination. It’s basically a Pokemon-like game, but with its own charm. Instead of pokeballs you record monsters with cassette tapes. It’s quite a goofy game and I’m enjoying it so far.
If you do get it for the Steam Deck, you should play it with compatibility mode set to Proton 8, because then it somehow uses 40% less battery or something.
I didn’t get it during the sale, but Cocoon. Such a fun little puzzle game with great art direction. It’s well worth its price tag despite being a fairly short game.
Tunic is on my list and I’ll probably pick it up later this week.
Tunic is amazing! Although the combat feels very clunky (maybe I’m spoiled by sekiro).
Thankfully, you can just turn on reduced difficulty, since the beauty of the game lies not in the slow combat, but the puzzles and puzzles within those puzzles. Also the main character is adorable.
I’m doing a play through with a friend (trying to get the good ending rn) such a fantastic game! Beautiful and the world layout puzzles are fantastic!
I finally bought horizon zero dawn! I just hope to have some time to play it…
Same :'), but i bought Titanfall 2
Highly recommend this launcher for Titanfall. The Northstar client allows mods and private servers.
Thank you good sir :)
Horizon Forbidden West is set to come to PC at some point as well!
it’s hard to describe how good it is. you’ll make time.
Warhammer 40k: Boltgun
Looking forward to playing it this week
Boltgun accomplishes exactly what it sets out to do. Great game. It gives me the same sort of power fantasy vibe that Space Hulk: Deathwing did but lets you actually move at the terrifying speed that a space marine should.
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Cloudpunk and a DLC for the crazy good Not for Broadcast game.
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Nothing here, but Black Mesa was outstanding. Could not put it down.
Not related, but OP, if you get the chance I recommend at least trying out Project Wingman in VR with joysticks.
Holy shit, was it a transcendent experience.
I beat the campaign with a controller on a monitor my first time around, but on my second playthrough I played it in VR and I found there is nothing like looking for bogeys and tracking them by peeking around your cockpit.
More related to the prompt, but if anyone wants a recommend:
I just beat both Pentiment and Return of the Obra Dinn and both were truly the historical detective / mystery games that I’ve waited so long for.
Go into both completely blind and report back. I guarantee you, that you will not be disappointed.
I picked up Forager. It’s kind of addictive…
I loved this game too but I was never able to finish it. The game kept getting incrementally slower as I progressed like it was having trouble processing everything. Happened on both my Switch and Xbox Series X. Hopefully the PC version is better.
That still happened on PC, or on my OG steam deck at least, but it was somewhat remedied by some commands to adjust settings. Things like turning off visible bots, background settings, UI elements. That leaves most of the processing just being you walking around/gathering and whatever background machinery you have going, vs all of everything.
I imagine those were not present on Switch/Xbox since these were basically commands applied to the game .ini.
Also FWIW, may not really be worth picking up again unless you really want to endgame it. The developer was kind of a chud to the team from some of the stories I read which seemed to result in the endgame kind of teetering off into nothing. Like, once you find all the NPC’s you’re not playing for anything but to build and optimize, even though it feels like it’s leading you on with more to unlock somehow.
I’d double check of course, as with anything it could be a bunch of nonsense. But yeah I pretty much agree, it’s an ok game with some issues, they can be remedied on PC but even then it’s just kind of like you work to it, you did it, it’s done and what was the point. There’s nothing to take away from the game, I guess.
I bought Nuclear Blaze and have been having fun with it.
I’ve bought a bunch of Wadjet Eye games; Unavowed, Gemini Rue, Primordia, Strangeland, Shardlight, Technobabylon and The Excavation of Hob’s Barrow.
And aside from that, Return of the Obra Dinn.
I’ve already played Gemini Rue, and I’m finishing Unavowed.
I played Primordia ages ago. It’s such an interesting world, and the voice acting is top notch.
I just want Logan Cunningham to whisper me to sleep every night.