… but those ideas are pretty old.
Today we see the will of the people,
Being twisted and conformed into cloying treacle.
By consent or force, it does not matter,
They’ll take all we are and serve it on a platter.
… but those ideas are pretty old.
Today we see the will of the people,
Being twisted and conformed into cloying treacle.
By consent or force, it does not matter,
They’ll take all we are and serve it on a platter.
If it is a story from the US that would make international news if it were in another country, it should be posted here. I’m from Canada, US politics is world news to me. Their wretched politics seeps across our border, it’s material to my day to day life to stay abreast of the broad current events in the US, just like the UK.
They are still happening, the western News just got bored of it. The morality police just received orders to start cracking down hard on women with uncovered heads. The government believes it has the authority to end any Iranians life for any reason, even outside of Iran. The clergy would rather burn down the entire country than let people live free from religious oppression. Without outside pressure, these protests are just going to mean more dead women and stiffer laws against them.
The 1994 Chinese TV adaptation of Romance of the Three Kingdoms / Eve Online. I’d play the fuck out of this game.
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I worked as an extra in Canada. Scab work is half the jobs, especially for commercials. You sign NDAs to keep it secret from the US unions.
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Check out this video from Practical Engineering, a channel about teaching us about our constructed world, when it works and when it fails. https://youtu.be/jxNM4DGBRMU
They’re a Jordan Peterson mod, don’t bother. The ultimate Idiot’s Genius. Imagine thinking the only reason to be concerned for the plight of others must be for selfish reasons. It says more about them than you. And it’s a deflection away from coming up with actually sound counterpoints. Mindless contrarianism.
There are regions in every country where not being racist makes you a pariah.
Like this charming place: https://capitalbnews.org/newbern-alabama-black-mayor/
Plants! Imagine bits of green here and there.
I’m a man who loved lurking the reddit sub. It was never about hating men, it was about being a woman in a man’s world. A good place to feel good and remember we can rely on people for support when systems work to our disadvantage.
Yeah, absolutely, it is a minority. But I don’t think it’s entirely irrelevant. The clergy used religion to twist and conform the will of the people, turning their views into Sharia treacle. Human suffering is relevant in an empathetic way, but it’s also good to know that human society can look like Iran with the majoritys support. Western society could end up in as bad a spot as Iran, all it takes is a revolution. There is a growing christian theocracy movement in every western country. Disillusionment with western capitalism and democracy is as high as ever and as things get worse, theocratic dictatorships become more and more appealing to more people. There is a non-zero chance we could have our own Iranian style revolution in just a few generations.