It’s kind of scary how much it already applies. It does make sense, as our systems mostly came from the same places.
It’s kind of scary how much it already applies. It does make sense, as our systems mostly came from the same places.
I mean maybe I’m just lucky, but this hasn’t at all been true for me. 17 years and I just got my third used car last March. All three together cost $8k (probably 12k with prices today).
For sure I’ve had to do a bunch of repairs but even with 2 transmissions, a head, a few clutches/TC, and 3 sets of transaxeles. That’s like 30k so maybe break even if you buy one car and drive it for that long and don’t have any major repairs along the way. In my experience, friends will lease a car and pay that in a few years, or buy a new car and have maybe five years trouble free, then have to do a major repair and/or sell and pay another 20k in debt.
The extra stress and maintenance isn’t free by any means, but is it worth and extra 5k per year? Not for me, and I think that’s best case. Dealerships are really good at draining money from most people.
Is it any citizen or just ones who previously held office? Just curious, it sounds to me like it is directed at people who previously or currently hold office.
Lord if you ever find one share it with me please!
Nebula is great and really cheap for the content. Ofc maybe it depends on what you watch; but it’s great for me o7
I absolutely love this game. It was great because you have to do actual puzzles, which for sure gets annoying sometimes. But figuring how to fit everything together with the time constraints feel much more gratifying to succeed at. It also stops me from just endlessly running around doing random stuff for no reason like the Witcher or something 🙃. Different strokes for sure!
I’m pretty far behind the ball, but I’m finally reading revalation space and it rocks!
Maybe it’s an iPhone thing? On my s20 it doesn’t do that.
Need to? No… I do though, I think it looks better and it stops random fluids from sitting under the toilet. Plus caulk is cheap and easily removed. I guess that’s so long as you don’t have carpet in your bathroom.
I kinda feel this comment, I like that most of the people I watch on YT are on nebula, so I’m giving that a try first. Just worth a mention I thought, it’s nowhere near as expensive as YT premium; any idea how that platform pays the creators?
Me too 😄