The world had to burn to rise up from the ashes
The world had to burn to rise up from the ashes
SOMEONE GET A BIG STRAW we are drinking the ocean empty
We have to save him
They already lost the game, real chads don’t raise losers
Users aren’t of value for reddit dummy
The bigger subs that are forced to open are now posting John Oliver pics or flooding themselves with porn
I’m still taking my PSP go on every long journey
Mmm we need more John Oliver pics
Idk how this one is working, but didn’t many hacker attacks where they leaked stuff end up being sold on the dark net
Maybe they try something similar or they are straight up sending a fax to everyone
Ok i got a fork, do i also need a spoon?
Cats vs tech is not about cats destroying Tech???
I just joined .world because it sounded the most logical
“Oh it says world, that probably means i can see things all over the world”
I’m not disappointed
I like this site, it has some little inconveniences, but i have hope that this will work out
That’s not even usable
Random BS
That’s my folder name for basically everything
You wouldnt?
You forgot Davinci Resolve as a free Video Editor
Sounds like a cool experiment