My boss calls Ford: Found on roadside dead
My boss calls Ford: Found on roadside dead
I just watched it, solely from your comment.
I really enjoyed that movie! Thank you.
Amazon has an organic mint based rodent deterrent that just smells like thin mints. Got rid of a squirrel from my attic not too long ago.
I am very sad about this decision from manufacturers. I like being able to single hand my phone and don’t want a large screen at that expense.
Isn’t this quite literally treason?
How is this the sentencing recommended?
Technically you don’t find out that the demon king at the beginning and ganondorf are one in the same until some time later… but it’s not really a surprise if you’ve played any other games in the series.
But how many football fields is that?
I would recommend looking into Turkish coffee methods.
You can help!
Original content is what makes more participants come aboard!
I’ve found to almost always have a better selection and better pricing.
I had the exact same thought! Thanks for doing the heavy lifting
Looks like it’s a beautiful day there!
The little blue circles are lens flair. Although I personally want to believe.
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Got a bit gusty and we took both reefs just before this photo ahead getting into the storm.
Probably gusted up to 20 kts or so. Sustained about 15 from memory.
Honestly, I’m somewhat okay with this, so long as flavor and quality don’t change.
I drink beers for the enjoyment, not to catch a buzz. If I can drink the same amount with less detrimental health effects, nothing wrong with that to me.
My best advice would be to get adept at the maintenance side of things. Sailboats live in harsh environments and will almost always have something breaking on you. Learn basic electrical systems, engine maintenance and line/sail maintenance.
You can do all of this before having a boat just watching YouTube and working on electrical in your house, your car/transport engine and buying some cheap off cuts of canvas and rope.
The better you are at fixing things, the better off you’ll be at living in your off grid paradise.
Have you looked into a dust mite allergy at all?
Do you have a mattress cover that you wash and replace your pillows often?