Vor dem Bundestag geht klar. Also alles gut 🙃
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Danke! Das war ein toller Lesetip. Gerne mehr davon. :)
There’s no way in judging your stylus with a picture like that. You should be able to hear if it still sounds good. If not, change it.
Wann gibt’s das Koks in Bioqualität? Frage für einen Freund.
No serious dentist would replace original teeth with implants if he still sees a chance of saving the original. Implantation is always their very last resort. Also, having implants doesn’t mean you can live a careless life „until you’re dead“. To not loose them too, it’s even more important to maintain a proper oral hygiene. If your jawbone-structure starts to degrade, you rather end up slurping your dinner through a sippy cup for the rest of your life.
These recommendations are in no particular order. But a warm recommendation to trip to, nevertheless. … have a pleasant flight. ;)
The one I love
The congress
The endless
One cut of the dead
What we do in the shadows
The artist
THX 1138
The Bones Of J.R. Jones - Hearts Racing
Just bought 2 tickets for the same day next Saturday. Will you relax already, Chris?
Thanks so much. I got it. :)
Seems I was just blind.
Seems like heat could be an issue here. But it’s a beautiful setup nevertheless.
As far as I’m concerned, new features are added regularly to Elektrons devices. One of the newer ones would be overbridge, i.e.
The elektronauts forum is generally a good sauce of information: https://www.elektronauts.com/news
Kässpätzle is king!
Dir auch alles beste! Lass dich nicht stressen und genieß die (hoffentlich) freien Tage. Viel Glück für die 5 Gänge! :)