Hello… - undead wheezing style (WoW)
I don’t have time to play with myself - Duke Nukem
You should check out https://solidproject.org/ and see how much overlap you have?
Mr. Recordman by Ugly Kid Joe
”… some people lying motionless near the street and others exhibiting clear signs of mental illness …” Yeah, I don’t think jail or prison is the right place to get the help they need.
Borgmatic also made setting up Borg a breeze.
Mods are humans. Humans are flawed. What does this have to do with Lemmy?
It looks like you have associated .desktop files with the LibreOffice Writer application. So when you click on the “launcher” icon for Praat that application tries to open the “launcher” file as a text document.
This answer should help you reset that association, https://superuser.com/questions/21626/ubuntu-change-the-default-program-used-to-open-a-type-of-file/21642#21642
See https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2324 and https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7168. Then take a look at the dates the RFCs were published :)