Looks great! I’m looking forward to having hair long enough to do that (currently in the dreadful “hair not long enough for pulling back but too long to look smart”-phase…)!
Looks great! I’m looking forward to having hair long enough to do that (currently in the dreadful “hair not long enough for pulling back but too long to look smart”-phase…)!
He is awesome! Great picture, love the expression.
Oh that’s just gorgeous! And what a good idea for transforming a baby wrap - I have several stashed in the back of a closet (the teenager for some reason refuses to be carried?!)
He considered eating it, so we had to put it up on a high shelf. He is a very good kitty!
Needle-felting is mad difficult, you never know if you end up with something cute or something deeply disturbing! Crochet is a bit more forgiving (just looks silly when bad).
Oh those are super cute!!! I am deeply flattered by the fact you actually remembered them from seeing my weird crochet kitty!
Haha! We’re Norwegian and Pelle is a name here - he was named by my daughter and the inspiration came from a children’s TV/movie series called Pelle Politibil (Pelle the Police Car). The car is black and white just like our Pelle.
Incidentally, he also has skin under the fur, so the name is still quite fitting with added context!
That’s a great recipe! I’ve never seen powdered peanut butter in shops here, but I would assume you could just bring a jar of the stuff and use a scoop instead? Or just grind unsalted peanuts? It probably wouldn’t be as shelf stable (assume the powdered stuff is treated in some way) but still easy to bring to work.
Also if using fresh peanut butter, a spoon of tahini would probably be great in there as well. If you have small leakproof boxes you can mix up all kinds of flavoring to add to the readymade dry mix!
The best part of any holiday is the petting of local cats! Also you get to see the local scenery from new & interesting angles while trying to entice cats out from under parked cars, behind fences etc.
That is an amazing photo!!! Love it!
Agreed! I love Wingspan, play it with my best friend and we don’t compete so much as explore. It’s just so relaxing and pleasing!
That gash makes me curious what happened? I would probably either remove the entire cuff (as it looks sewn on to the rest?) and replace it with something else - fabric (denim?) or leather if you can get hold of some. Or I would add something to the back - fabric in a similar colour - and use leatherwork needles to sew the gash shut with x-stitching. That way you close the gap, keep the leather look and get a “feature” from the stitch.
My best friend and I like Odin’s Ravens a lot! The art of the 2nd ed is gorgeous, too. https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/192074/odins-ravens-second-edition
We also play Wingspan, Patchwork, Bohnanza and double Carcassonne (both my game and hers to make a bigger map). But those games can be played with many players.
With husband, Sequence and Ticket to Ride: London are favourites