I spin my dice like beyblades, actually
I spin my dice like beyblades, actually
It’s actually the arcane spell list from Pathfinder 2e
Oh BOY. So I’m currently playing an automaton character in a Strength of Thousands campaign (pf2e), and I’m playing her very much like a stereotypical robot: no emotion, strongly rational, all that good stuff. One thing that I’ve made core to the character is her ability to learn and grow, but I don’t like the idea that a lack of emotion is a flaw that needs to be overcome. So, my philosophy is “make her become emotionally intelligent, not emotional”.
Sadly, I think with the way I play her, people would anthropomorphize her hard.
Razira’s about to go all Monty Python on these fellas.
Oh, these bitches gay! Good for them, good for them!
Yes, I very much enjoy seeing them. Also konsi is by far the most huggable goblin I’ve ever seen.
Duly noted for the future, thanks!
Given that thunder strike seems to be a spell and not a cantrip, I don’t think it’ll replace shocking grasp.
Edit: As for the Wizard, they also explicitly stated that your GM may add spells to that list they deem thematically appropriate, so there’s a lot of wiggleroom.
Sonic Prime and Hi-Fi Rush.
That… kinda works actually.
With the new focus point rules, I wonder if there’s gonna be any changes to psychic, given that its ability to use two focus points per fight isn’t that special any more.
How often are we gonna have this conversation? Becoming an Oathbreaker is not the same as breaking your oath. If you actually read up on how you become an oathbreaker, you might understand why it’s an evil only subclass.
As it’s described it seems a lot more choice-based for changelings than for fluid people (at least to my knowledge), but I can see there being genderfluid changelings who alter their appearance based on their current gender.
According to official Eberron lore, gender is just another aspect of themselves to change and morph around, which I interpret to mean that most of em are pangender or gender apathetic, or something else along those lines.
You might have misunderstood. This is not meant to shit on allos in general, this is more about amatonormativity and people who fall into this weird worldview that a romantic relationship is the only thing making life worth living. I’ve never faced any abuse for being aro, but I have been met with disbelief for saying I don’t have crushes and I’ve been belittled for not having a girlfriend. This meme is supposed to be a lighthearted, if a bit hyperbolic jab at those kinds of people.
Mon-keigh just functions as a sort of slur for non-eldar, most commonly used for humans in-universe, there’s not really much further subtext. It is similar to the actual human word monkey to invoke a sense of arrogance, but it’s changed cuz it’s just not exactly kosher to refer to people as monkeys irl (even though scientifically speaking, humans are monkeys).
Apart from that, it’s mostly just a reference to this