Android Dev, Gamer, Dad
I felt the same, and I want sports to be a vehicle for teaching people about fitness, and teamwork. I am not sure I still do, it so often dissolves into toxic competition, self harm, injury, violence, riots and a general us against them attitude.
I hope people get good things from sports and avoid the bad things.
I picture those who didn’t embrace geek culture or esthetics, leaning more towards jock and fraternity culture instead, but who saw money in computers.
I am picturing a movie I vaguely remember from the last millennia.
Do you get a lot of AI generated content?
Fire the Ursus Claw!
Is good timing
I sometimes wonder if dogs taught us civilization.
I figured Newsom, Buttigieg perhaps as VP.
I am reminded of: “The law cannot protect anyone unless it binds everyone; and it cannot bind anyone unless it protects everyone.”
The lesser known conclusion to Wilhoits Law.
"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit:
There must be in-groups whom the law protectes but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."
It was the first good phone. It was great to have the Verizon marketing thrown at an Android flagship phone.
There is a lot of good history boardgames can teach. And fun alternate history they can create :)
Trump got less votes, the problem was how many people didn’t vote at all.
SSN is also not a valid unique key, there have been situations with multiple people issued the same SSN:
My life for Avo!