• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • MrSlicerto3DPrintingArtme-3D filament extruder
    1 year ago

    Now add in the price of the machine and you will need a way to dry the pellets if you don’t use it immediately. I really want this to be a thing but I just don’t see it being economical… It might be fun however to make custom filaments.

  • It codes pretty well for what I need. It helped me write a program for my esp32 to fill out a Google form to populate a Google sheet with temperature humidity and barometric pressure.

    Its also helpful me with a visual basic program that checks on 3 temp/humidity sensors in my home. Plots it on a graph and turns on my led lights to a blue and white animation if the temperature falls below the trigger temp. This warns me if it’s close to freezing in my garage. I’m doing my best and trying hard to learn… Ai has been fundamental in me avoiding hours of googling because I don’t quite understand the syntax yet.

    Here’s the program in action let me know what you think. It’s the first real program I’ve made. https://youtu.be/T7RhQKH-b70?si=fTgq4_D2w33rGM_2