Smoogs, you okay pal?
Your view here is basically “if you think our society is so bad, go die in the wild.” Absolutely unhinged take on the situation.
Smoogs, you okay pal?
Your view here is basically “if you think our society is so bad, go die in the wild.” Absolutely unhinged take on the situation.
So it’s a real review when someone receives cash to say good things about the product, gotcha.
Infinite movie rental loop
Just as much of a Musk hater as the rest of them, but this was posted elsewhere. UAW changed their profile photo at the same time they announced the strike, which triggered the flag on the account. Apparently this is standard with all verified accounts until the photo can be reviewed.
Anywho, fuck Elon Musk!
Yep, and buy real estate 30 years ago
If you can’t afford a 5 dollar mod after dropping 5k on gear, you shouldn’t be buying the gear my man lol
It’s a 1 time $5 fee. People are just mad that they’re broke after buying a 4090. Frustrations should be aimed at Nvidia, not this one dude trying to make a buck
Linus and Yvonne still own LMG. Terren is just running the company now.
Thank GOODNESS for the Kourend favour changes!!
I feel like the community has been pretty divided on this from the responses I’ve seen online. That said, as someone who is just recently getting back into OSRS, I’m very thankful that my questing progress isn’t locked behind hours of grinding to achieve 100% favour in all areas.
Is it difficult? No (aside from those stupid sulphur clouds) . Does it make sense to lock content behind favour in addition to skill requirements? Also no.
I feel like this change will bring more players to the area for skilling and break up the meta a little bit for efficient paths to 99 smithing/mining.