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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023

  • TrimatrixtoMicroblog Memeswe all made it a long time ago
    5 days ago

    That is the bummer, it’s all going to cost carbon and it’s all going to happen regardless if we ban people owning a second house. As long as the population keeps increasing, the demand for more new houses will naturally increase regardless of what we do to curb demand for second houses.

    So I see it as a necessary evil. One in which I am of the opinion that that if we are going to screw with the environment and increase our footprint on nature then lets make it worth it.

    For example, lets demolish more woodland but instead of single family housing, lets build a 30 story condominium with the first 2 levels being a shopping center, the next 3 being rentable office space, 20 levels for condominiums, and the last 5 being for entertainment, restaurants, and leisure. Hell create sub basement levels for parking. Is the construction bigger than building a house in the woods? sure. But in the long run by building vertically the overall footprint is much less than building a sub division, strip mall, individual restaurants, and a business zone.

    I would much rather devote efforts into making that a reality than policing people from getting a second house. Hell, really try to market it to that demographic just so that we can combat the NIMBY attitude people have to vertical urban development and we will probably have more net good to the climate compared to anything else we do in urban development.

  • TrimatrixtoMicroblog Memeswe all made it a long time ago
    5 days ago

    Counterpoint, I don’t mind people owning a second home on the basis of climate change. There are so many other bigger fish to fry in that realm rather than wasting resources limiting a small group of people with the means of affording a second home. I would much rather people with the means of owning a second home having to pledge to improve the carbon footprint of the second home through things like adding solar panels, smart landscaping, etc. That way when the house is eventually let go its more sustainable and environmentally friendly then when it started.

  • Lol, You do realize that they are probably in fatigues going at a very fast run or they are in full gear still running. Either way 8 mile run with no gear is probably 700kCal while 50lbs of gear is 1000kCal for a run. Factor in they do this twice a day, on top of probably a full body weight life regime thats probably burning a conservative side of 600kCal. Mix in the fact that a sedentary individual will burn 2000kcal existing. I can reasonably expect someone one in boot camp burning 4000kCal to 4600kCal. Some light research indicates that Marines training anticipate a daily calorie burn of 4100kCal a day.

  • TrimatrixtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlNot incorrect.
    24 days ago

    Not really, HDL is HDL. At the end of the day, as long as you know what you want to do electrically then everything else is an exercise of translating that desire into VHDL, Verilog, or SystemVerilog. The only real hassle is creating test-benches and verification simulations. But at that point it’s discretionary towards the designer. A lot of tools coming from Intel, Xilinx, and Synopsys allow you to “black box” components. So a module written in VHDL can be incorporated into a design or test bench written in verilog and vis-versa. IMHO VHDL is still dominant because grey beard chief engineers throw a little hissy fit at design reviews when they learn the junior engineers did everything in verilog.

  • A ton of people. Anything aerospace, DoD, Space, or critical infrastructure. All those industries have to use VHDL to support legacy products from the 80s and 90s. At that point everyone is like, “Sure its 2025, by why switch to SystemVerilog? We already know VHDL.” and thus you got a whole army of engineers making next gen satellites, augmented reality headsets, etc. …… in VHDL 93.

  • I got the latest booster shot the day after it came out. So far, I have had each shot as soon as they have came out.

    What I am noticing is that each new shot is kicking harder and harder as far as the days after getting the shot. This last time was really bad with the general lethargy and aching for two days.

    Call me dumb, but my experience was so bad that I might have to reconsider getting the next booster. Personally, I feel that there is an odd inflection point with the vaccine vs the virus. At what point does the cons of the vaccine outweigh getting the virus? I am not sure but it will be a consideration the next time the new booster comes out.

  • Trimatrixto196@lemmy.blahaj.zone*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    I remember it took Fooooreveeer for quality titles to come out. Plus, in my opinion The PS2 Was such a juggernaut that the PS3 had way too many expectations for what a PS2 successor should be.

    Overall, wasn’t THAT bad all things considered. It got Blue Ray to beat out HD DVD which lets be honest, was Sony’s main reason for releasing the console.

  • I really wanted window 10 phones to take off. Their development into their now defunct projects such as Continuum and Munchkin in my opinion could have jump started and sustained smartphones as a legitimate productivity PC. Imagine having a cellphone you can dock anywhere and have a full blown windows OS to do things on…. That’s where they were heading.

    Alas, the best we got is Dex and stage manager both being cellphone OS solutions for work PC tasks.