You keep them as long as you remain subscribed.
You keep them as long as you remain subscribed.
Same issue here. Also whenever a post has multiple images in it, they are not visible.
Wish I could upvote this more than once. Apple IDs are not meant to be shared. It will cause a whole mess of issues. I used to work Apple support and can’t tell you how many times I had to help people untangle this.
Looks great! Missed opportunity for strawberry jelly for the red white and blue though lol
Party Animals “should” be finally coming out this September. Buddies and I had a blast when it was in open beta. Similar idea to Gang Beasts.
Another fun one is Human Fall Flat which has some quirky controls.
My Xs Max is definitely long in the tooth at this point. Been holding out for USB-C. Can’t come soon enough.