Too bad those microplastics didn’t end up in your micropenis.
Too bad those microplastics didn’t end up in your micropenis.
Between Greeley and Denver it was tens of thousands to the tune of ~45,000.
Fuck Trump.
Vote on a compulsive liar and hope all goes well. Fucking idiot.
North America? South America? Michigan is only a state in part of North America. Just want to be clear.
Like this needed confirmation.
MAU? Mostly Anal Users? Martian Appalachian Upholstery? Mass Ass Underwear? Missing Alligator Utensils? Moldy Apple Uterus? Massive Arctic Uranus?
What made you decide on a tankie instance?
Fuck Trump. Loser cannot die soon enough.
Like the sun, if the lights are bright, don’t look at them. Problem solved.
Why is it scary?
Easiest. Boycott. Ever.
Target sells cheaply manufactured goods at high prices. I haven’t shopped there in years already for that reason.
The very big cocaine spigot is turned on in Mexico and flows north to Canada.
Why haven’t I gotten one? Where are you all posting?
I thought Proud Boys were white?
Doesn’t everyone squeeze their pimples in high school?
It’s like Millium, but one more.
This is a good one. 😂