Well he definitely didn’t design EVs, rockets, or brain interface technology. The engineers he employs did. He just took their work, sold it, then gave them a slice of the pie and kept the rest.
I’d argue that there isn’t anyone spoon-feeding him anything. They’re all just like that.
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He’s holding in a poop.
The ceasefire is already in effect. We’ll see what happens with the next two phases as the ceasefire is temporary. Edit: Ceasefire will be signed on the 19th, and is not currently in effect.
Who is the current president? Hint: it’s not Trump
What would save the industry is making games actually games, not funnels to manipulate people to forking over their hard-earned money for battle passes and loot boxes. They could also lower their scope, or not rely so heavily on graphics as a selling point. Besides, the industry as a whole is doing just fine. It’s AAA studios and their shareholders wanting an ever growing return of investment that need that money. Take Two increasing its pricing just gives an excuse for other AAA studios to price hike, whether justified quality wise or not. For fucks sake, you don’t even own the games anymore unless buying from services like GOG or a hard copy that can actually fit on the physical media. I’ll just do what I always do and wait for a sale, like many others.
Israeli “hostages” and Palestinian “prisoners”. The writer’s choice of words says a lot.
Gary Oak, is that you?
Don’t dilute that sentiment with contrived grievances. Nintendo sucks, I agree. But let’s save that energy for those who actually deserve it.
I’m glad I’m not the only one.
That is very fortunate. I grew up very poor and didn’t have that option. Maybe if that is a less daunting task, you can do that first. I genuinely hope you can overcome the anxiety. Take care
It is normal to be anxious about things sometimes. I also didn’t have my GED and had dental issues and felt less than because of it. The dread I’d feel having to go through the testing or the cost of fixing my teeth made me not want to go through either. I did eventually do both, after basically giving myself an ultimatum. I was depressed and didn’t feel like existing as well, but there were a few people that I really didn’t want to let down. The place by me that let me obtain my GED has a process where they would test your knowledge, then tutor you on your gaps, then let you take the tests. I ended up passing with pretty high scores because I over prepared, which felt really nice. That gave me enough confidence to get my teeth fixed and worry about the cost later, which also boosted my confidence. The anxiety didn’t go away entirely, but I remember the feeling of overcoming what I thought were impossible tasks. That was over a decade ago. I’ve since gotten a good career and I’m currently the most confident I’ve been. I don’t know if my story will help you, but maybe you knowing you aren’t alone in that feeling can offer some solace. My only advice would be to not let the anxiety control you. It’s not a switch you can just turn off, but maybe by tricking your brain by remembering failing won’t hurt/kill you, you can overcome yours.
Lol. Lmao even.
I don’t think the press cares about the CEO as much as they like the revenue the story generates for them. It’s always about money. Same reason we see so many stories about Trump and his cronies.
No one? Not sure where you got that from.
I get the sentiment. But I don’t need to be lgbtq to be an advocate for their rights. I just want people to be able to be who/what they want and thrive. Compared to them I’m privileged (white cishet male), but I doubt they’d complain about me being an ally.
He steals his employees labor to make himself rich. That’s the shameful part. It’s plainly obvious him and all other billionaires do that.
I genuinely don’t care if someone is more successful than me. I’m successful myself. That only means they can live a good life, which I want for everyone. I’m only concerned with being better than I was yesterday, not getting a dopamine hit from trolling.