And generally the consensus is that those terms should be depreciated. I know I make a point of renaming my default branch in git to main. The master/slave is harder to come up with an analagous term, but even main/sub would be easy enough to understand.
It’s not a huge deal, and I think it’s kind of funny that we use that term to lord over the console peons. But also thinking about it, isn’t it just that? We can afford video cards that cost more than your console and a whole PC to go with it? In that sense, it is punching down and saying we are better because we can afford a more expensive system, right? Gets a little less funny.
I think it still works as a meme, but also, fuck those console peons and their “controllers” and “aim assist cause their controllers suck ass”, but we should be cognizant of their feelings? Nah :-)
True, but sadly that headset is $60 at Amazon right now versus 80-95 everywhere else based on a quick search.