• 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • good_huntertoBicyclingResume a track on ELEMNT BOLT
    7 months ago

    See my video (once i figure out how to upload videos to lemmy…). You will have to

    • turn on the device, leave it unplugged.
    • push power + up + down
    • connect to the computer and refresh

    It might not go in one try. it took me three times before I got it.

  • good_huntertoBicyclingResume a track on ELEMNT BOLT
    8 months ago

    The custom maps community for wahoo is very strong. They update maps, and using OSM data, more frequently then wahoo. You can download maps here and then you push it to your device with an app called Elemantary. Find the read me in that onedrive folder.

    Getting the bolt into dev mode such that it can connect via usb is a bit fiddly, you have to push power and up/down buttons at once. But if you are persistent you will get it.

    Now having used Ridewithgps for planning I find it superior to Komoot. I find the yearly plan a bit expensive as I don’t use it often, but subbing to the monthly plan on occasion is a fair price imo. The free feature list also pretty rich already. So consider your use cases.

    Maybe download something like Organic Maps on iPhone for offline maps as a back up solution.

  • good_huntertoBicyclingResume a track on ELEMNT BOLT
    8 months ago

    It does continue your workout when you turn off and on the device, within a certain time window. I thought it was a couple of hours. Just be wary not to stop the activity after pausing.

    I do find the bolt loses the cycling category when doing this, it defaults to ‘other’. It is not a mega concern, all metrics are still present.

  • Imported chinese EVs are still undercutting the European manufacturers, as much they have been lobbying to have increased import fees on the cheaper non EU EVs. The narrative is that they are heavily subsidised to the extend they cannot compete anymore, in so crippling overal in-continent EV development. Resulting in a dependence to the East.

    If I am not mistaken such import fee has just passed in Brussel, in order to protect the European market.

    In a weird way, humanity has been longing for greener automobile solutions, and now that it’s there, Europe wants to slow it down.

  • I have a Mac mini m1 and run several containers to manage media, arrs and vpn. I also have a Debian vm for homeassitant. I had used UTM prior but now moved the vm to VMware fusion.

    Main issue I run into is not enough ram as the base model only has 8gb. And I do not have redundancy optimised when I reboot. I have it locked with a password so it doesn’t auto run the containers or the vm.

    I double the mac for light browsing too. I considered getting a dedicated Linux mini pc for the services next to a desktop Mac. But my usage is too sparse at both ends of the spectrum.

  • good_huntertoBicyclingMaps
    1 year ago

    I was researching ridewithgps once again to see if I can justify the premium over Komoot onetime map plan. I finally thinkered around the web view of rwgps and I must admit it is very powerful already in the free functionality. I don’t think I will ever go back to Komoot, but I haven’t decided on the premium package for rwgps just yet.

  • Cheers, appreciate your input really. Like you, one spirals into the rabi thole of marginal gains (i hate that phrase) quite rapidly once you take the plunge.

    That was an interesting video, again mentioning the increased of comfort going higher. I tried spotting the wheel set they use in the video, they look like Roval CL 50 Disc Wheelset , that has internal width of 21mm and external of 30mm. Theoretically, it would mean a 30mm tire would still be flush with the rim. They also seem to be a tad heavier then me, so i am not surprised they felt the 32s gave them better comfort. I think they really should have mentioned those data points as the optimisation seems to be a function of all of those variables.

    I couldn’t help myself, and did crosspost on reddit. I did receive a valuable insight that I hadn’t noticed before. Many seem to stagger their tire width between the front and the rear, for example 28mm in the front and 30mm in the back. By doing that, one is trying to capture both aero gains in the front and comfort gains in the back. It is believed that the aero penalty of thicker tires is less significant in the rear as airflow has already been impacted by your bike, legs, and bottle cage. I think it is an interesting concept I will likely try it out.

    Sadly, I have the 28mm mounted already, with fresh sealant too. So I think I will first make a couple of rounds with those, and then switch the back to the 32mm. It will be a mismatch in tyre model, as the front is the more supple thinner S TR and the rear will be the sturdier AS TR. However, I think i am not that experienced to feel that difference anyway.