If by a miracle the conflict calms down and then ends, how long will Israelis remain sub-human scum who deserve to be ground up into paste?
If by a miracle the conflict calms down and then ends, how long will Israelis remain sub-human scum who deserve to be ground up into paste?
Have you spared any thoughts to how easy it would be to swap “Israelis” and Palestinians in your rant?
Nei, jeg er kjøtt og blod og stål og smøreolje som deg
How true is the dead internet theory, in your view?
I’ll ask anyway. Why do companies like bots?
Who is the arbiter of when there is an “active ongoing genocide”? Who do you trust with the authority to kill and cripple entire populations? What happens when the Israelis are defenseless and the Palestinians come for revenge? Will that be a genocide? Should they be killed and crippled too?
Do you believe in justified massacres more broadly too? Would Sahrawis slaughtering Moroccan settlers or Kypriots killing Turkish settlers also be good things?
So by your logic, because I disapprove of massacring people dancing at a music festival I am now a Nazi, and you consider my murder to be a good? Is that your pitch?
I disagree with the premise that standing up for Palestine means you have to always and in every instance act against Israel. This isn’t a fight to the death where only one side can survive and shouldn’t be framed that way.
Sadly we all decided to collectively ignored israel killing kids for 75 years
No. We haven’t. That’s the point. But there’s a limit to what a small country can achieve from the other side of Europe. The Irish are the prime example they’ve always stood up for Palestine it just doesn’t make enough of a difference. They don’t deserve to be lumped in with the Americans just because they aren’t powerful.
I’ve been the one saying nobody should be killing kids the whole time
It is possible to condemn both this attack and the embassy strike, just as it is possible to find the October 7 attack an appalling act of barbarism without wanting kids killed in retaliation
This comes across as if you’re angry Iran’s strike didn’t do more damage.
It’s a built-in feature of internet groups that they are bad at producing messages and leaders for a wider audience. The dynamics of facebook groups and internet forums reward preaching to the choir and punishes compromises, both with opposition, moderates and reality.
Leadership of my country has been calling for a ceasefire and reduction of violence since the beginning. Great to see that we’re lumped in with the Americans regardless.
You’re right. The problem is not so much the concept as what happens when residential property can be turned into Hotels by installing an app.
I think going after short-term rentals is exactly what they should be doing. If they take bribes not to then that’s a huge problem though.
Ireland runs a budget surplus and has the lowest debt since the financial crisis. They’ve never been better placed to take on this project.
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