The hell with unity. They’ve already shown they can’t be trusted as a platform for the future.
Learn unreal or literally any other engine that hasn’t gone public.
The hell with unity. They’ve already shown they can’t be trusted as a platform for the future.
Learn unreal or literally any other engine that hasn’t gone public.
Looks like the patriots have a type
I don’t understand where they promised space sim. I think people are getting confused with what was promised and what was hoped for.
I’m out of there for good, but I take a look every once in awhile. That place still looks like it’s thriving. It’s unfortunate.
That was legitimate entertainment. GG Lions. Hutch is the real deal.
I guess that gets into separating the art from the artist - which is its own conversation. I don’t care for JK Rowling as a person, but then again I don’t like what a lot of many great artists have done. I had to make that decision for myself whether or not I was ok with consuming art from troubled human beings and to what level (monetarily and influence-wise). Ultimately I just make that decision on a case-by-case basis.
Thanks for the recommendations. I’ll probably start by digging into Herman Hesse. I have some audible credits that need to be put to use.
By all means, suggest them. I love good stories.
And it’s art. I’m not going to discount a story that made me feel deeply just because the author isn’t as skillful as another.
And is writing (or any art) about topics that are very much present in the real world to be discouraged? Should every piece of art ignore reality and just portray utopia?
If you didn’t enjoy it, fine. That’s art. It’s subjective. But to call it fascist is just…weird.
Well that’s one person’s opinion of it (I assume you share their opinion?). Not sure what makes it fascist or even “ethically mean spirited.”
I thought it was a great story of friendship and love overcoming difficulties in life.
What’s wrong with Harry potters message?
Honestly you can get as crazy as you want with it regarding budget, but I find I’m happy when I just put a lot of patience in my cable management. I have ADHD so it’s pretty difficult, but when I dedicate time to it and take my time with it. I can usually make something really pretty with some zip ties or cable ties.
The hell with google. “Private” and google don’t belong in the same sentence.
Get. Away. From. Google.
The game’s size on PC is 139.84 GB. It’s 100.19 GB for the Standard Edition and 117.07 GB for the Premium Edition on consoles, which also comes with a digital artbook and soundtrack, skin pack, and the Shattered Space Story Expansion (when it becomes available).
Poverty doesn’t affect everyone the same. To try to discount the fact that poverty increases crime just because you aren’t a criminal is ignoring the complexity of humanity.
To say that this particular crime was caused by poverty also ignores the complexity of humanity.
We can all speculate until we’re blue in the face, but I agree that lessening poverty will lessen crime of most types.
Ideally we wouldn’t waste anything ever, even space, but that’s not going to happen in a capitalist system where hoarding is rewarded.
Pretty much just pat mcafee