• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Yes and no, its an official release, but basically these are “We think this issue is resolved or this new feature is ready”. The GrapheneOS team does a gradual rollout to prevent causing people issues (since people literally can live out of their phones).

    Alpha channel users get it, if they don’t notice any issues roll it out to beta channel users, if no issues found in the wider beta users, roll out to stable.

    Basically it prevents a bug from being pushed out to everyone and causing headaches for the devs. You can’t know everyone’s use case so by having a smaller number of users who are expecting breakage you can find bugs or showstoppers early before it lands on a more nontechnical users device.

  • Inside git’s internal plumbing folder, git holds a file with the branch name and all of the references (files and changes) for that branch.

    When you make a new branch git will update its internal plumbing checking to see if the new branch already exists, updates its references to the new branch if it doesn’t (all held internally in a case sensitive way). It will then make that new branch file, git has already checked that the case senitive name for the branch doesn’t exist internally, so it should be good to go.

    Part of its process is creating that internal branch file… But wait!

    Windows doesn’t have case sensitive naming so when it tries to make that new branch file it will overwrite the old one (since it shouldn’t exist by git’s own reference!) All of the files and references for it now get nuked.

    Now you’re at best back to wherever that originally named branch came from, at worse your .git folder is properly borked.

  • But…! But…! It could teach children the different types of poker hands! Plus you have to win a certain number of chips in order to progress! This is clearly a type of gambling and should require the utmost care to prevent a child from becoming a gambling addict!!

    /s (god I hope that’s not needed)

    By the way that’s the actual reasoning why they gave it the 18+ rating.

  • If the service isn’t starting due to a changed port then one of two things are happening:

    1. Something else is using that port and its throwing an error
    2. There’s a configuration issue (typo, comment, or duplicate setting) that is preventing the server from starting

    Do you have any logs from the server that might help with determining which of these two it is?

    Also are you trying to access the service on your local network or via something like your mobile data or a VPN? Because if it’s the latter you probably need to configure your router to allow external traffic (which can be a security risk).

  • Nowadays they can last a few hundred rounds before they break (if you print them and finish them correctly).

    You have it backwards, you print the lower (the part the government considers “the gun”), and can basically buy the remaining parts (or manufacture them yourself).

    The things like the slide and the barrel aren’t controlled so you’re free to buy them from any online gun dealer no questions required (fingerprints, background check, or additional info either).

    What defines “an gun”? Obviously this part (the easily manufactured lower)! Not the barrel that holds the actual shooty bit (and has to handle the tons of pressure from the explosion, and is much harder to manufacture)? Nope!

    If you actually use firearms, the laws around guns become incredibly dumb. And is probably a rant for another time… As someone who has guns, I want better legislation on safe storage and mandatory training federally. The fact that supposed “good gun owners” argue against this is nuts…