How do you get OP’s comments? Other than the mustache and maybe the nose, I see no “specialty large molded parts.” What parts are you referring to?
How do you get OP’s comments? Other than the mustache and maybe the nose, I see no “specialty large molded parts.” What parts are you referring to?
I will happily recommend Rendog’s fan server, Dogcraft -
Big caveat, though - its only 18+ and requires age verification via GamerSafer, which a lot of people don’t like, understandably
It’s definitely one of my favorites in the series (I think my absolute favorite thus far has to go to Dead Beat), but it’s also really intense - pretty much non-stop adrenaline through the whole book. I hope you enjoy it!
I’m just about done with Ghost Story from Jim Butcher. While it’s a really good story, Changes is a really tough act to follow, so this one is always a bit less exciting than I want it to be.
While we’re working on sleep training our 5-month old, I’ve also started reading Pokemon: The Origin of Species fanfic. It’s very impressively written, and I’m really enjoying it so far.
I got it on PC. I have pretty successfully played it in a pretty low-spec PC - GTX 970. It was at medium graphics, and the computer couldn’t play other videos at the same time, but it was still pretty solid.
Yeah - it really caught me off guard. After getting stomped by a couple of the Kitakami Ogre Club members, I decided to build a new, EV-trained team, which I don’t generally do. I assumed, based on the levels in Kitakami, that we would be at around 80, but that unfortunately put me over leveled. The double battle surprise caught me off guard, but my level difference allowed me to out-muscle pretty much everyone. Until I got to the steel type E4 - she and her very unexpected strategy almost completely wrecked me. Wellspring Mask Ogrepon was my last fighter, and just barely managed to take out her last 2 mons - it was wild.
Still slowly working on the second half of the Pokemon Scarlett DLC, The Indigo Disk. I’ve really enjoyed show rolling these - spending a bunch of time just wandering around to see what Pokemon show up (especially in the terrarium), doing a bunch of random Tera Raids, and building EV trained teams. I’ve even caught 3 or 4 half-odds shinies as I’ve been wandering.
I am also working on my first couple games of Civilization 7. So far, I’m really enjoying it. Yeah, there are information presentation issues and a couple bugs, but I expected all of that when I bought it. This is a Civ title in launch, after all - 5 & 6 launched basically the same way. 7 does have some more issues with the UI than was normal previously, but that obviously stems from it being designed to support consoles. I fully expect those to mostly be ironed out in the next few months
I am once again making my way through The Dresden Files - about half way through Side Jobs. I haven’t yet read the two latest books, so I’m excited to get into those.
I just started a new game with the beach layout. I’m intending to do some core cash crops, but otherwise focus on things like fishing and mining for most of my income. We’ll see how it goes.
This is also my first run since 1.6, so I’m excited to see what new stuff is in store
I’m working on a few games right now, but I have a 4-month old and very limited time.
I’m in the middle of the Pokemon Scarlet DLC, and what to finish that up
I’ve started a new farm in Stardew Valley because it’s really easy to play for 5 or 10 minutes and then put down. I haven’t played yet with 1.6, so I’m excited to see what’s new.
I’ve also started gathering the supplies to start a new build in Minecraft, which I really want to make some progress on
Huh. Didn’t know that was a thing. Kudos
Yup. Got the mini Agrabah palace, 3-in-1 birdhouse, and the Ideas tree house set. The Walmart near my in-laws had a bunch of sets at 40%-50% off, as well, so we indulged a bit there, too. 😛
The real question is, would you rather fight 100 flying-lemur-sized sky bison, or 1 sky-bison-sized flying lemur?
I can’t speak to how well 5e would work with dark sun, but 5e is very much about epic heroism. Levels 1-3 exist entirely as an introductory system to avoid overwhelming new players - IIRC, there are official suggestions to just skip them if playing with experienced players. Additionally, they are designed to go incredibly fast. The meat of the game really starts after that, and the characters quickly catapult to functional super heroes.
I’m hoping the op was purely going for comedic effect, cuz saying all three wanted “freedom and equality” is pretty far off the mark
Amon was hiding behind a message of “freedom and equality” in a blatant power grab, trying to establish himself as the only bender remaining, and thus nigh invincible
Unalaq didn’t want “freedom and equality” - he was like the people who think we should fix global warming by killing all humans. His only redemption is that his extreme perspective was potentially heavily influenced by Vaatu, but that seems a bit of a stretch…
And while you could argue that Zaheer and the red lotus were for “freedom and equality”, it was by equally murdering anyone they didn’t like. Much like Kuvira, it was “I know better than everyone else, and thus must force my opinion on the rest of the world through rank violence.”
And while I agree that Kuvira was an awful dictator and despot, comparing her to Hitler is overdoing it. Could she have gotten there if unchecked and given the correct pressures? Maybe. I highly doubt Hitler would ever have acknowledged his wrongdoing and tried to atone, though.
My 5 year old and I are loving it. He opens all my cards (he had a great run of getting me new, awesome cards from packs and wonder picks this morning). And I enjoy the simplified battle system - it’s easy to just puts around and try out silly deck ideas against the AI opponents. I will say the format is a little too skewed by ex cards, but I suspect that’s probably true for the full game, as well (not that I would know, given that I haven’t played in about 20 years).
Very impressive breakdown, and it looks like you’ve built an awesome foundation. I’m excited to see where you might take this going forward - different ship wreck types seems like an obvious next step, but I can see the potential for a whole lot more. Maybe this system could be used to improve things like trail ruins and other archeology related structures? This is very cool. Kudos
It also seems like there’s some sort of unlock mechanism for what civs will be available for you to choose from in the next era - you’ll assumably have to do certain things in an era to unlock specific civs for the next era
I read it. My point is that it doesn’t make sense. There’s 1 piece that could be considered a “specialty large molded part” - his mustache, and it’s kinda important to get that looking right.