Church looks like a sham.
Church looks like a sham.
This is a real possibility; any view can become illegal if we do not value freedom of speech. There are examples all over the world and throughout time.
The United States is not special, it can happen here.
This is as good as it gets.
This is a good thing!
It will reduce the number of flippers that but the truck just to sell it for more the next day.
He is left wing. Seeing him as right wing is a common misconception driven by clips of him on social media.
He supports Bernie Sanders and thinks Obama was the greatest president ever. He has refused brining trump on the show. Just a couple examples.
The consequences of national polarization may, in the long term, make Trump’s actions look small.
This arrest certainly pushes us closer to the edge. Whether that will lead us back to normalcy or over and down is yet to be seen.
We don’t know what we don’t know - I would begin with a less biased source or include two sources with contrary biases.
Hey thanks! It’s great to be here.
I think it’s important to exercise some intellectual humility and be open to other sources and be willing to question information that we agree with if it’s coming from a single source - especially if that source has an open bias.
Good being fair, compassionate, or good is not nearly as important as his being real.
How about a less biased source? I don’t think salon could say something positive about a conservative parent if they wanted to…
If you’re opposed to DOGE, does that mean you’re opposed to efficiency in government?