You can wonder all you want. We will never know. But probably “Best I can do is $3.50 and this cute cease and desist letter”.
You can wonder all you want. We will never know. But probably “Best I can do is $3.50 and this cute cease and desist letter”.
Thank you kindly, good sir.
Just to clarify - all I did was replying to a 12 hr old post with no comments/upvotes with “Hey. Great video. Please consider also posting in c/Diablo4@… on Lemmy.”
Cool. Couldn’t decide if I want to see Oppenheimer or Margot Robbie’s feet. Now I can see both. Win-win.
“Thanks”. Right.
Helping by commenting. Let’s grow!
+1 Please and thank you.
If you’re in California, be aware that there’s a hidden/sneaky “EV tax” and you’ll be paying (nearly) double registration fees every year. Mine went from $330 to alamost $700.
Also public charging is starting to be a problem as there’s not nearly enough charging stations and CA does nothing about it.
Yeah, right.
tHeRe’s No fUCkInG waY FaCEBooK wOULd EVER SUcKed Up aLL liFE FRom soMETHinG GOoD aNd tHEN LefT iT tO DiE WheN it’S nO LONgeR uSEfuL U guiZ!
And then they’ll need another permission to access your photos, contacts, text messages… They’ll grab and run with everything what’s in your phone. Before your 1st day is over, they’ll know everything about you, your friends and family. It’s just another massive privacy/data grab. Fuck them (and fuck u/spez ofc).
Happened to me. Had a fake profile to test some apps and when they asked for an ID, I literally sent a pic of my MIDDLE FINGER. They accepted.
What a bunch of incompetent degenerates… I mean “patriots”.
If you wanted Tesla, but $55k was too much, $45k is relatively cheaper. I know people that bought Teslas recently, only because of the (3rd) discount.
Here in SoCal # of Teslas skyrocketed after the discount(s). Kia Niro EV is $40-46k. People can buy a Tesla for that and they do, because they think it’s a good car (it’s not). That’s why I said they’re buying them - because of the price.
deleted by creator
Tesla doubles discounts on Model 3 cars in US inventory
Facing economic headwinds, mounting competition and rising production, Tesla this year has aggressively cut vehicle prices in many countries and is resorting to the traditional automakers’ tactic of offering incentives to clear inventory, analysts said.
If Mr Collins were to win election to the House in Florida, he would be the first person to represent two different states in Congress in more than five decades.
Non paying users will be limited to 5 free tweets a day. After that it’s a) pay-as-you-go @ $0.99/tweet or b) subscriptions from $9.99/mo.
Also lootboxes.