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Cake day: November 23rd, 2023


  • As an avid PoE1 player who has 8h (act3) so far in the second game: gameplay feels more skill based (enemy/boss attack patterns, synergistic skills, more active defences/survivability) while in original you can faceroll most of the acts and endgame with enough knowledge (vendor recipes, “face tankable” content, automateable defences/damage, simple investable survivability). This might be why people are comparing it to soulslike.

    Also the pacing is a lot slower which might add to the feeling of og Diablo/Diablo 2. Of course the progression will be faster after meta is found, but people still theorize that getting to endgame takes more time in PoE2.

  • miltsitoWorld News*Permanently Deleted*
    4 months ago

    Doesn’t feel quite “world news” worthy article.

    Context for the news: Olkiluoto 3 is one of the newest nuclear power plants in Finland and originally it was meant to be complete in 2009. It ran in 2021 for the first time and was fully running in 2022 in its test runs. It was operational in 2023-ish?

    It has been a huge money sink with the delays in its constructions and constant malfunctions while running it (no danger thanks to safety regulations). Olkiluoto 3’s delays and malfunctions have decreased the citizens’ interest in nuclear energy tremendeously. When it actually runs properly, it is a noticeable margin on Finland’s energy production.

  • miltsitoLemmy ShitpostPremium Ads
    4 months ago

    At least for me it doesn’t keep autoplaying videos/going to next video on Youtube (probably a setting I could change somewhere). Grayjay is pretty handy for other media platforms as well.

  • Dumped down the game is about learning your weapon’s moveset and the monster’s moveset to get satisfying moments in hunts. Other reward for learning is getting numbers go up from upgrading or creating your weapons and armor.

    Every weapon gives different playstyle and skills given by your equipment can enhance your specific playstyle. Of course there are meta options for armor (in terms of damage output), but other skills can offer so much utility or defensive stuff. Getting a skill that makes your self healing heal others can be a lifesaver. Defensive skills are lifesavers on harder hunts and reduce stress.

    Monster Hunter World and Rise (with their expansions) have also pushed the ecology part of the game a lot further. It is really cool explore the different maps and their fauna. Realising that one map is pretty much covered by a corpse of an older game’s gigantic monster is cool. Seeing small endemic life interacting is neat. While this ecology wondering is less seen on the older games, it is still there in smaller scale.

    Freedom Unite (can be considered as the 2nd game + expansion) has been the first experience for most western veterans, so it is pretty popular. First Monster Hunter is really janky, even when compared to the other older instalments of the series, and Freedom United improved a lot on pretty much everything. Monster Hunter Tri (3rd) was like a fresh start. Most things were new; like maps, monster roster (old classics as well) and under water combat. Unfortunately Tri had to cut few older weapons out in place for new ones.

  • miltsitoGamesRusted Moss is pretty good (Metroidvania)
    5 months ago

    Not a full recommendation, but Pronty was a nice small metroidvania. It was a nice inbetween game while waiting for larger games to play.

    • You control your character and your weapon independently
    • There is very little platforming as you can swim into any direction
    • Enemy designs and environments were interesting in the earlier half. Environments were a bit uninspiring later on
    • Took me around 8h to fully clear (excluding highest difficulty mode)

  • miltsitoGamesMonster Hunter Wilds: Basic Mechanics Overview
    7 months ago

    Seems like they have refined a lot of mechanics originating from World. Hopefully slinger won’t have the same softening mechanic as in Iceborn. Switching to secondary weapon might be awkward with armor sets usually specialising.

    They have also uploaded two more info videos; one on focus mode and one on Greatsword. Guessing that more weapon showcases are coming up this week/month. Greatsword additions look dope. I’m eagerly waiting for my mains Hunting Horn and Gunlance to show up.

  • miltsitoAndroidAre there any Vampire Survivor type games on Android?
    11 months ago

    I can recommend Magic Survival. Came out before Vampire Survivors, but has been worked on slower. Runs usually last from 16?min (normal) to 30min (endless). Game autosaves occasionally during runs so you can continue later on. English translation varies in quality, but everything can be understood imo.

    Has revive with an ad once per run and another ad sometimes when ending a run. Leveling classes is slow, but can be sped up by spending real money. Personally I’m fine with the slow progression, but others may not like it.