Is this something I’m too markdown/LaTeX pilled to understand?
Is this something I’m too markdown/LaTeX pilled to understand?
The most recent Intel Core 2 Duo was discontinued in 2008. I doubt Intel would be able to convince anyone that this is a competing product or would cause any customer confusion. No one is going to be looking for a low end processor from over a decade ago and accidentally buy a watch.
Does it use just standard watch bands? It looks like it, but I didn’t see it mentioned.
One of the things I find ridiculous about other smart watches is that they use proprietary bands. When I found out that people are paying $60+ for a silicon band for an Apple watch, it blew my mind. Also that people put screen protectors or cases on their Apple watches because their $500+ watch doesn’t even have a crystal lens, and is prone to scratching.
Single family, detached housing on otherwise empty lots, in a low density, residential only suburb is not affordable housing.
Still way more dangerous than just not chasing. A traffic violation is not worth putting the lives of any bystanders at risk.
Even if someones neighborhood wasn’t designed well, changing zoning laws to allow for more density may make it more viable to put transit there. Then this hypothetical person’s normally 20 minute cycle could become a 5 minute walk + 10 minute tram ride on extra hot or extra blizzardy days.
Someone addressed your first point. But the second two are only true when your city is so spread out to make room for huge roads and parking lots between everything. Not to mention zoning laws that make it illegal to build denser housing, or to build a grocery store near where people live.
Nice straw man, my guy. Clearly I’m not telling people to live somewhere they cannot afford. Some places where it is possible to live car free/car light are super expensive. The reason for that is those are the places with the highest demand, because lots of people realize that is the best way to live.
I’m not saying “just move”, I’m saying be a YIMBY. Be the person that writes your city councilor or goes to town hall meetings and says “Yes, please build more transit”, or “Yes, please build more bike lanes”, or “Yes, please build higher density housing”. The more places where it is possible to live car free/car light, the more the demand will be eased and it will become more affordable.
Also, it may already be more affordable than you think, if you consider your housing and transportation as a single item in your budget. The average car owner spends over $1000 per month to own and operate a car. So even if you move to somewhere the rent is 50% higher, you may still come out ahead by giving up your car.
Unless you live in Phoenix, your city was not build around cars. Your city was built around train stations and street cars. Sections of it were bulldozed in the last couple of decades to make room for more cars.
I’ve never had to shell out thousands of dollars to repair a train/bus/bicycle/shoes.
Motornormativity is a driving factor (pun intended) of the cost of living affordability crisis and class inequality.
I played so much MK64 that I know can’t beat literally anyone, but have found I can beat everyone that makes statements like this. I know how many people I can’t beat, and they make up the top thousand or so positions of this list.
I would say that I am not good, but better than the average player at this game. It is the only game I say this about.
A calorie and a kilocalorie are the same thing when talking about nutrition/exercise. Which is 1000 “small” calories.
Strubb’s pickles. They are supposed to be back under a new owner, but I still can’t find them in any local grocery store.
Cost of doing business. He knew what he was getting into.
If he wanted a safer job, he should have become a cop so he can just shoot whatever danger there is.
When this labourer falls, its his employer’s insurance that is going to make a payout. The cost of the insurance policy is wrapped up into the contract price that the landowner paid to have the construction done. So ultimately it is the owner that looses out.
You copy some text from a webpage and put it in your markdown/LaTeX document in your text editor, like vim. Then you use pandoc/pdf-latex to export in whatever file format you need. It never looks wonky, it looks exactly like you tell it to.