“Thanks for the money, now stfu”
“Thanks for the money, now stfu”
Okay now swim in a pool of the treated water?
Wet bathroom and toilet floors
Source: National Geographic
Ooooh post it here if you can!
Artist Bordalo II creates representation of animals on a large scale, built almost exclusively with garbage (as Bordalo says, the same material that kills them), aiming to provoke a different look at our consumerist habits.
“Half Rabbit” GTM | Gaia Todo um Mundo in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal, 2017
Photo by Tanveer Badal. Source: https://www.afar.com/magazine/photos-egypts-pyramids-like-youve-never-seen-them-before?_amp=true
“To the ancient Aztec and Maya, man’s best friend was also a hairless, ugly-cute healer, occasional food source, and, most importantly, guide to the Underworld.
Sometimes known as the Mexican Hairless dog, the xoloitzcuintli (pronounced “show-low-itz-QUEENT-ly”) gets its name from two words in the language of the Aztecs: Xolotl, the god of lightning and death, and itzcuintli, or dog. According to Aztec belief, the Dog of Xolotl was created by the god to guard the living and guide the souls of the dead through the dangers of Mictlán, the Underworld.”
Well we all know that Asians are far from professional
Artist profile: https://instagram.com/yuni_yoshida?utm_medium=copy_link
Say hello to my little friends
Whatever you do don’t laugh cos Will Smith will come and slap yo ass
First world problems