• @Yucky_Dimension
    -2810 months ago

    It’s a joke based on Yakko not having a gender. Which doesn’t make sense. Therefore my confusion.

      • @Yucky_Dimension
        -1810 months ago

        I wouldn’t say that’s how jokes work. Some things need to be established first. The joke is not, that he is non binary. It’s a play with words, “agenda” in this case. Him being genderless is supposed to be the baseline. This is contradicted by him being a Warner brother. So the joke is already falling apart during the setup. If the joke was about him being a chicken, it wouldn’t have made sense either, because it was never established before. And can’t explained with cartoon logic.

        It feels like people are automatically mad at me for criticizing the joke, because the topic is gender politics. I never said he can’t be non binary, I don’t care, but there was never a basis for this. Or so I thought. As others have pointed out, there apparently was an episode or a comic where this was mentioned.

    • VaultBoyNewVegas
      1410 months ago

      Do you take Wile.E.Coyote running into a wall after the roadrunner runs through it literally too?

    • Draconic NEO
      510 months ago

      Which doesn’t make sense. Therefore my confusion.

      There are people who do not identify as having a gender, this is commonly referred to as “Agender”. People who identify as Agender may not identify with the concept of gender, some may attempt to present gender neutral, while others may not make an effort to present any specific way. It’s one of the many NonBinary identities, that is people who don’t identify as exclusively male or female. I can understand though that for some it might be confusing as it has only been receiving mainstream recognition relatively recently.