• @FireRetardant
    029 days ago

    This sounds reasonable but really the lesson is more about the stages of puberty than sex ed. Puberty is part of sexual health and development but it isn’t what everyone thinks of when hearing the term sex ed, a lot of people tend to think of sexual intercourse, protection/sexual health, and gender identity when thinking of sex ed.

    • @[email protected]
      129 days ago

      This is the second comment of yours I’ve seen on this thread being like “well yeah sure but that’s not sex ed” what exactly do you think sex ed is?

      • @FireRetardant
        129 days ago

        I’m more so trying to state that sex ed is a broad spectrum and without specification of the exact teachings people will assume different things. Theres a big difference in teaching kids about puberty and teaching kids about how and when to use protection or the process of child birth. Specifying when kids will be taught what could clear a lot of debate about when sex ed is acceptable