• @danc4498
    561 month ago

    You’ve got a CEO who has a net worth of $200 billion and is demanding more massive bonuses to himself and at the same time he’s killing jobs.

    I can’t believe there’s people that want to invest in companies that behave this way.

    • @[email protected]
      171 month ago

      As if it weren’t bad enough that people choose to invest in such companies, you have large numbers of people convinced that Musk is tech Jesus, come to save the world from all its problems with his superior intellect.

      • Stern
        161 month ago

        His fanboys see him as Tony Stark but everyone else is waking up to the fact that he’s not even a Justin Hammer.

          • partial_accumen
            51 month ago

            I can’t see Justin Hammer being distracted into buying a social media company for $44 billion either.

            • Optional
              61 month ago

              ‘distracted’? You mean hoisted by his own petard?

    • Jaysyn
      71 month ago

      Reminder: The board of Directors at Tesla also want him to get paid, for some stupid reason.

      • Optional
        61 month ago

        Yes if it wasn’t clear enough yet, the “Board” of Tesla are less than worthless. The entire enterprise is going to go up in flames because of this complete idiot. And the nominal group of people who’s only purpose is to prevent that are cheering him on.

      • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
        51 month ago

        The “board” is almost entirely made up of Musk’s pawns. Many of them even share his last name.