• @krashmo
    727 days ago

    And you seem to think two years is basically no time at all. Think about how much awful shit Republicans got up to under Trump. Approximately half of that got done in a two year period and that was even a historically deadlocked Congress. Democrats lost in 2010 precisely because two years is a long time and the best thing they got out of it was a shitty healthcare plan that, more than anything, ensured our current unsustainable system stays in place for at least another generation.

    Democrats are obviously much better than Republicans in basically every sense of the word, but Republicans get their legislation passed when they have the chance and Democrats trip all over themselves trying to appease the idiots who will never join their coalition. They could learn a lot from Republicans about pushing their agenda but it seems pretty clear by now they aren’t going to.

    • @Tujio
      727 days ago

      It’s the classic problem. Democrats can’t get anything done, Republicans get the wrong thing done. Been that way as long as I can remember.

    • @[email protected]
      -227 days ago

      Yep, it’s amazing what you can do if you ignore laws, lock out the opposite side, control all three branches of government, and literally pass shit with stuff penciled in on the side.

      • @[email protected]
        327 days ago

        Being democratic and inclusive is pointless if it prevents progress. People want good, affordable healthcare more than they care about if it was achieved with Republicans at the table too. The Democratic process is a means to an end, it’s not sacred and should be disposed of when it can’t work.

      • @TropicalDingdong
        -627 days ago

        If Democrats are incapable of governing when given the power, maybe we should stop voting for them.

        There is no point in empowering someone with my vote if they can’t do anything with it once they’ve taken power.

        Republicans have gotten more done in minority positions than Democrats have when in majority position over the past 20 years.

        Democrats are conveniently bad at this shit when it comes to getting the things their voters want done, done. When it comes to getting shit Republicans want done, they are also conveniently powerless.

        Maybe we shouldn’t vote for Democrats.

        • @[email protected]
          627 days ago

          Republicans have gotten more done in minority positions than Democrats have when in majority position over the past 20 years.

          Accepting this premise, the things Republicans have gotten done have been objectively detrimental to humanity. The direct result of not voting for Democrats is electing more Republicans. This is the reality that currently exists. No amount of self-righteous rhetoric will alter that. So if you’re going to continue disseminating this ill-considered garbage, just face the fact that you’re effectively a Trump supporter.

          Honestly, I have more respect for maga types than for people who pose as leftists while advancing a fascist agenda.

          • @TropicalDingdong
            -327 days ago

            people who pose as leftists while advancing a fascist agenda.

            So Democrats?

            Exhibit A

            Exhibit B

            Exhibit C

            Exhibit D

            (I can keep going)

            Exhibit E

            And thats only the last two years.

            Everything you are saying is pure projection. If you are out there blindly supporting Democrats without acknowledging that they are working in lockstep with Republicans towards fascism, you are the one supporting a MAGA agenda.

            The Democrats ARE NOT INTERESTED OR TRYING TO RESIST OR STOP FASCISM. You are fucking delusional if you think Democrats are working on your side.

            • @[email protected]
              125 days ago

              people who pose as leftists while advancing a fascist agenda.

              So Democrats?

              Oh, no, this is embarrassing. It’s you. I was talking about you. Sorry, I thought that was clear. The mistake dipshits like you always make is this emotional appeal:

              You are fucking delusional if you think Democrats are working on your side.

              No shit, a political party is not “on your side.” This kind of rhetoric betrays such a childish approach to politics. That’s not how any of this works.

              It’s a binary choice, and you’re shilling for fascism. It’s anyone’s guess whether or not that’s your intention—but that really doesn’t matter to anyone but you.

              • @TropicalDingdong
                025 days ago

                it’s projection bro. It’s you.

                If you support fascism because it’s Democrats doing it, you are no ally.

                And that’s what you are arguing for.

                Your argument , you entire refusal to hold Democrats accountable by being critical of them and withholding your support to force them to come to you, it’s why we’re in this mess.

                YOU are the white moderate MLK warned us about.

                • @[email protected]
                  125 days ago

                  I’m not your bro, and I don’t believe you’re arguing in good faith. This particular clumsy mix of buzzwords certainly doesn’t make you sound like a human being. I’ll address this one more time, and then never engage with you again.

                  Your argument , you entire refusal to hold Democrats accountable by being critical of them and withholding your support to force them to come to you, it’s why we’re in this mess.

                  My decision to vote for the only viable candidate who doesn’t obviously intend to dismantle all democratic institutions hardly constitutes a refusal to hold Democrats accountable. Those are the stakes in this particular election. The direct result of the action you’re advocating would be to hand power to an aspiring dictator.

                  YOU are the white moderate MLK warned us about.

                  You argue like a fash—completely unsupported assertions bolstered by oafish emotional appeals. I’m done with you.