I’m assuming what I’ve blocked out is a slur, so I yote it.

  • @rustyfish
    2116 days ago
    Tap for spoiler


    Never thought of it as a slur tbh. Then again I could be horribly wrong.

    • @DasnapOP
      2816 days ago

      Either way, I thought it would be better to play it safe than possibly ruin someone’s day. Not worth a silly haha funni.

      • @rustyfish
        2416 days ago

        I think you did right by doing so.

      • @Skullgrid
        1116 days ago

        Ok, but all you did was make more people pay attention to the trending panel which made people look at the slur.

        • @DasnapOP
          16 days ago

          Really I’d hope the screenshot would mean they wouldn’t need to go and look, especially with the warning. Crap like this seems to keep cropping up in that panel so it probably needs to be vetted more.

          Edit: Looks like it’s been nuked anyway; problem solved(?)

    • It’s not very accurate for trans men and women; but I could see it applied to gender fluid people or others that see themselves as both male and female to not be a slur. They may think otherwise, though and I’d have to respect that.