• @Hubi
    16516 days ago

    Whenever people think they know what a specific decade was like that they didn’t live through, they think all the furniture was brand new and just bought from a catalogue. In reality you have a style mix of at least 2+ decades at any point in time.

    • @MrJameGumb
      6216 days ago

      My house has stuff from like 8 different decades in it right now lol

      • @RGB3x3
        3116 days ago

        You maybe should put great great great grandpa in the ground by now, he’s starting to smell.

    • AggressivelyPassive
      1716 days ago

      You’re pretty much stuck at whatever style was cool when you’re 20-30ish. So your parents are probably stuck at around the time you were born.

    • @[email protected]
      1316 days ago

      Yep. People underestimate how much money you can save by just… not buying new furniture. Thrift shops and hand me downs from elderly family members downsizing make up the overwhelming majority of the furniture in my house.

      Do I sometimes wish I could have a different style? Sure. Do I want it bad enough to spend hundreds of dollars on it? No.

      The only exceptions is stuff you rest on. Chairs, couches, beds. Don’t skimp on those or your body will hate you even more than usual.

      • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
        1616 days ago

        Do I want it bad enough to spend hundreds of dollars on it? No.

        You’re off by at least one order of magnitude. I went to a furniture shop recently and shit’s expensive, yo.