My email at the moment

Image Description: A screen snippet from an email client showing 18 emails reading “- has applied to join”. The usernames have been manually edited out. of the image snippet.

  • KNova
    31 year ago

    I’m an Unraid user and I’m a noob at building containers. But I don’t think it’s as easy as a one click solution unless something major changes in the Lemmy code. Right now it’s a 2-3 container solution IIRC - database, Lemmy, and Lemmy-UI (the web frontend).

    The ansible install instructions surprised me at how simple they were. Edit a few (2-3) config files and run a script, wait like 30 seconds and your instance is ready.

    • Mike
      11 year ago

      I’m very much a novice with docker, but I believe these are called stacks. Stacks are ‘doable’ in portainer, but I get hung up with the config json. It’s probably more simple than I’m thinking it is, but again, I’m an old-head in small business ownership who grew up with VM’s and the whole docker thing is something I’ve struggled wrapping my head around because I’m not in it every day like I used to be.