• leadore
      274 months ago

      Fascist is a word with an actual meaning. I know it’s fun to call the democrats fascists, but that’s incorrect and ridiculous.

        • leadore
          34 months ago

          No, those are not part of the definition of fascism.

          Try this link and this one to start, if you want to educate yourself on the topic. Then if you still believe the Democratic Party fulfills the definition of fascist, come back and tell us which characteristics you think makes it so.

          • queermunist she/her
            4 months ago

            Aside from contempt for liberalism there’s no difference, and Biden’s contempt for the left more than makes up for it. It’s more accurately neoliberal, but has a lot in common with fascism and you refuse to see it. That’s why he’s doing genocide and brutalizing people protesting against it. Similar ideologies produce similar outcomes.

      • Victoria Antoinette
        04 months ago

        fascism DOES gave a definition written by Mussolini. democrats fit the bill.

      • Rhynoplaz
        -14 months ago

        They just hear us say it about them so they assume it’s just a bad word to throw at people you don’t like, similar to doo doo head, or fart sniffer.

        • @[email protected]
          24 months ago

          Yes because it is right wingers saying “the lesser evil is still fascist”

          Please consider expressing internally consistent ideas.

        • @[email protected]
          14 months ago

          Wait who do you think “they” is in this sentence? Do you think people here are arguing to vote for Trump?

          • Rhynoplaz
            14 months ago

            They would be anyone who says “Dems are fascist”

    • @[email protected]
      4 months ago

      Words have meaning in political discourse, and no, they’re not.

      They’re neo-liberals. Both fascism and neo-liberalism are totalitarian. The former is also authoritarian. And their ways of totalizing are different.

      Neo-liberalism appropriates everything that’s not itself and turns it into a commodity. This is its form of totalitarianism; colonialism and cultural appropriation for the sake of the ‘market’. I.e. theft.

      Fascism extinguishes everything that’s not itself. That is its form of totalitarianism, genocide. I.e. murder.

      Neither one particularly plays well with others (hence them both being totalitarian). And both are willing to steal and both are willing to murder. But the end goals of each are much different and fascism is much worse, as you know as a jewish person.

      And a Trump presidency would be a fascist one. With Trans people first on the chopping block after Trump’s political enemies.

      So, no. Both sides are not the same. And I’m also frustrated with the democrats. But yes, this is harm reduction. A neo-liberal or a fascist. Thieves or psychopaths. Those are the choices. Or vote third party. Or don’t vote. But in November, we know it will be Biden or Trump who gets the nomination.

      I’ll vote for the thief personally. Because I practice harm reduction and live in a swing state.

      • queermunist she/her
        74 months ago

        Fascism extinguishes everything that’s not itself. That is its form of totalitarianism, genocide. I.e. murder.

        Biden is doing genocide, what are you talking about?

      • leadore
        24 months ago

        Thank you for understanding the reality of the situation and voting accordingly.

        I agree, Neo-liberal is a more accurate label for the democrats. Thanks for taking the time to educate about the difference between the parties. Unfortunately, unless these “democrats are fascists too” people learn to understand the differences and act accordingly [1], they’re going to learn the hard way what fascism really is, and we’ll all suffer for it. For a very long time.

        [1] “accordingly” means, accept the reality that either the D party or the R party will be in power in less than a year, and vote for the lesser of two evils (the non-fascist, but yes neo-liberal, D party).

        This is a divided country. Almost half the people this country are right wing, and they vote. They vote for who they want in the primary, then they vote for whoever the R is in the general–and it works. Their party has moved more and more to the right.

        But too many progressives don’t follow through in the general if their preferred candidate loses the primary, considering the winning candidate not “good enough” to “deserve” their votes, so the D either loses or barely wins. D politicians have learned well that they can’t count on left wing voters, so to have a chance of winning they must move right to capture more center or conservative voters, and thus the D party as a whole has also moved right. If the D party instead learned that standing for progressive values would get them enough votes to win, that’s what they would do.

        We started to see that in 2022. They had actually been afraid to stand up for abortion rights until they saw some election results showing they could win on it, now they’re loudly standing up for it. Show them they can win with a progressive stance on other issues as well, and things will start changing. Slowly at first, then quickly.