I couldn’t find a higher resolution image of is this, sorry.

  • @CitizenKong
    410 months ago

    All Trek fans after Abrams, Kurtzman and Orci showed up: Can we get Berman and Piller back please?

    • @[email protected]
      510 months ago

      Happy if JJ never gets near a Trek set again, but as far as the new series are concerned, I’d rank them all between “pretty good” and “excellent”. Except Picard, but even that mess was at least a better send off than Nemesis.

      Berman? Best thing he ever did was stay away from DS9, and that just because he was too busy making Voyager worse.

    • Flying SquidM
      210 months ago

      I would personally think so, but I have talked to people who say the Abramsverse movies are what got them into Trek and are their favorites.